15 Lessons to Propel Your Online Business

The Ultimate Guide of sh*t I wish someone would have told me!

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you don't have to do this alone...

Look, I've made a lot of mistakes, but from every mistake comes a valuable lesson and this ebook was designed to help you avoid the same costly mistakes I've made and design an action plan that yields results.

In this ebook, you'll learn...

15 lessons learned

I want to say it was hard to come up with these lessons, but it wasn't 😉

These lessons cover everything from branding and investments to building my website and managing my time

What I wish I'd known

I'm sharing the #1 thing I wish I would have known when I started.

It cost me 8 months of my energy, time and a little bit of sanity and kept me from signing clients and making $$.

If I were to do it again

I've learned a lot over the past five years of running my business and this single lesson changed not only my lifestyle but also my business mission.

I have a feeling it will impact you as well!

I created this ebook as a thank you and as a way to share my journey with you.

It's so easy to compare your Chapter One to someone's Chapter 20 and think, "They had it all figured out!"

We didn't and we don't and by sharing this ebook I hope you see that with each hurdle, obstacle and mistake you can build something beautiful 👇

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About the Author

Michelle Knight is a mother, wife, world traveler and storyteller. She is the founder of Brandmerry.com where she supports entrepreneurs in branding themselves online, marketing their message and creating more income and impact. Michelle focuses on teaching the power of storytelling to create an authentic brand that allows them to show up as they are, build a loyal community and experience time, financial and location freedom as a result of their work. 

Michelle left her 9 to 5, retired her husband, built a multiple-6-figure-a-year business and became digital nomads all within 5 years of building her business. Michelle has been featured on CNBC, Entrepreneur, Fast Company and Authority Magazine.

15 Lessons to Propel Your Online Business

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