My Favorite Course Creation Platform


My Favorite Course Creation Platform

The online business model is growing every single day and more and more entrepreneurs are looking for ways to share their expertise with more individuals. Creating courses and membership sites are an excellent way to do just that, but where do you s…

The online business model is growing every single day and more and more entrepreneurs are looking for ways to share their expertise with more individuals. Creating courses and membership sites are an excellent way to do just that, but where do you start. My favorite platform is Kajabi for its simplicity and ability to do so much more than just host a course.

Who kajabi is for

Kajabi is truly for everyone and it you’re just starting out I couldn’t recommend it more. I really wish I had known about Kajabi in the beginning of my business because of everything that is included. Not only are you able to host your courses directly on the platform, but it also includes email marketing, payment processing, sales pages, blogging, landing pages and more.

If you’re ready to get into course creation now, Kajabi is an excellent choice because of its ease of use. Within about an hour you can have the backend of your course set up and ready to go. If you’re not tech savvy it’s an amazing alternative to hiring help and if you love tech, like me, there are tons of features to customize as needed.

And for all my new business owners, I can’t recommend this platform enough. As I mentioned, if I knew of Kajabi in the beginning I would have created my website, email and everything else on the platform for simplicity purposes. While it might seem like an investment during the early stages it’s one of the best investments you’ll make.

My favorite ways to use kajabi as a course creator

Kajabi is the one stop shop to successfully launch and scale an online business. Here is just a small list of what features they offer for your online business:

  • Website builder

  • Online Course builder

  • Membership site builder

  • Landing page builder

  • Funnel Builder

  • Automations (when, then, if sequencing)

  • CRM functionality

  • Email Marketing

  • Webinars

  • Quizzes & Surveys

  • Payment processing

  • Affiliate management 

Personally, I love having everything I need to build, launch and scale a course in one spot. It allows me to better communicate with my clients and keep track of progress as well. 

With their added features around video watch time, we’re also able to keep track of when people are falling of videos so we can better structure our content.

How kajabi can save you money

When we start our businesses we’re trying our freaking best to bootstrap our businesses. Even three years in, I’m super conscious of how much of my profits are paying for tools to run my business. When starting you definitely need an email platform, landing pages, website and payment processor. This doesn’t even include running courses and housing your content. 

Overall I’ve found that Kajabi saves so many of my clients money because they can cancel all their individual subscriptions and just focus on one platform.

With all-in-one tools you can create a landing page to grow your email list, build an introduction email funnel to nurture your list, send weekly broadcasts before your and during your launch, create the sales page for your course, collect payment and house all materials (audio, video and workbooks) for your course. It makes it easier than ever to not just sell your course, but market it as well.

You can join Kajabi today and get a FREE 28-day trial only available through this link.

Branding and Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry

P.S. If you join during the Black Friday special I’m hosting, you’ll receive my Task Management Toolkit training completely free, just for testing it out.

If you continue with a Kajabi membership after the first 28-days, you’ll also get a bonus 1:1 Strategy Session with me to map out your course, funnel or website.

Join here.


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