Episode 13 | Whole Mother Level with Tiffany Alblinger


Whole Mother Level with Tiffany Alblinger

Free to Be Podcast | Episode 13

Episode 13 Free to Be Podcast Whole Mother Level with Tiffany Alblinger | motherhood, support, postpartum, advice for mothers | Michelle Knight

I’m so excited about today’s topic with today’s guest. My amazing Doula, cousin and friend, Tiffany Alblinger and I are having an intimate conversation about the freedom to design your own birth, to question “what’s always been done” and erasing the stigma around motherhood.

I’m also sharing my own birth story from Cal’s home birth three years ago and the difficulties I faced postpartum. I believe MORE women should talk about these topics so we can all start to remove the shame often experienced by mothers everywhere.

Tiffany’s gifting Free to Be listeners a 10% discount off the Whole Mother Level apparel. Just use FREETOBE at checkout: WholeMotherCo.com

Things we talk about in this episode:

  • The freedom to chose your own birth experience.

  • How Tiffany supports mothers from birth to postpartum all the way into motherhood.

  • The stigma around mother’s having to “do it all” and “have it ALL together.”

  • Tiffany’s top questions to ask before choosing a birth location.

  • How to get support when you want to go against the norm in regards to your birth experience and your role as a mother.

  • Removing the pressures and shame around motherhood and asking for support.

  • Our hope for mothers everywhere!

Tiffany Alblinger

Tiffany Alblinger is a homeschool mom to daughters, homebirth midwife in San Diego and Co-founder of a give-back online mom shop called Whole Mother Co. She is creating community around women-centered topics and normalizing the struggles of motherhood while providing practical support for the journey.

Whole Mother Co is a fun give-back mom shop that connects everyday motherhood to causes that directly support the empowerment of moms. The Whole Mother Level shirt donates $3 to Improving Birth, an organization that works to improve birth outcomes for moms and their babies.

Connect with Tiffany

Instagram: instagram.com/tiffanymidwifery

Instagram: instagram.com/wholemotherco

Important links mentioned in this episode:

Whole Mother Co (Code: FREETOBE to save 10%)



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