How to Create Better Brand Messaging


How to Create Better Brand Messaging

May 9, 2019

Brand messaging is one of the most crucial parts of a profitable brand and business. If you want to make money you need to clearly communicate with your audience. In today’s blog, I’m sharing How to Create Better Brand Messaging and the 3 C’s you ca…


Brand messaging is one of the most crucial parts of a profitable brand and business. If you want to make money you need to clearly communicate with your audience.

In today’s blog, I’m sharing How to Create Better Brand Messaging and the 3 C’s you can’t live without.

Brand Messaging is one of the most important things you will do for your business. If you’re messaging is falling flat every single strategy, marketing tactic or advertising dollar you throw at it won’t help.

Today on the blog I’m sharing How to Create Better Brand Messaging and more specifically the 3 C’s you can’t live without if you want to create messaging that not only magnetizes, but also converts.


This is one of the most important things that you have to have with your Messaging. If your messaging is not consistent you're going to break trust with your audience.

This means that you need to have a unified message for your brand - I call this core brand messaging and it's one of the things that I teach in my program Roadmap to Freedom but I'm gonna give you a little sneak peek.

Core brand messages are 10 to 15 messages that stand true for your brand as a whole not every single program, not just the things that you offer, but for your entire brand.

When you can create a unified blend of messages for your brand that allows you to have consistent messaging on every platform, including your website, your about me, your freebies, your Instagram profile, etc… it’s going to create consistency with your audience and it's going to build trust.


What you are saying has to connect with your audience so one of the things that you need to know and one of the crucial parts of messaging is understanding who you're speaking to. Sometimes we create messages because we're like “Man that sounds good” and we forget about our audience.

  • What does your audience need to hear?  

  • What do you know about your audience that can make your messaging even better?

You always have to focus on the connection  - is the connection there with your audience?

To identify this you need to know what they're struggling with, what they desire and what's standing in their way.

This will allow you to create messaging that hits all of those touch points and will create a deeper connection with your audience.


You need to clearly state the benefit for your audience. Again ideal client work is one of the most important things that you can do for your brand as it affects every single thing that you create but it plays such a big role in your messaging and marketing.

When you're creating these messages, yes you're sharing what it is you do, yes you're sharing your story, but if you can't clearly state the benefit of those things in a way that has your audience going “Yes I need that, I want that, sign me up!” then you're going to miss the mark.

It’s so important that you have clarity around what your message or what your product or service ultimately provides.

Making sure your audience can see how that benefits them is essential for strong messaging.

You can be putting a ton of content out there on social media, you can be putting a lot of money towards advertising, but if your messaging isn't strong it's not going to work in your favor.

Messaging is one of the coolest parts about branding and one of the things I absolutely love about teaching.

If you want to hear more about messaging, which is actually only one part of my process then be sure to sign up for my free masterclass at

Please share your biggest takeaways from this blog post and how you’re going to implement this information in your own business!

Branding and Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry

P.S. Are we connected on Instagram? No? Well lady what’s happening here we’ve got to fix that. Come hang out with me on my favorite social media platform. Follow for inspiration and send me a DM to know we’re connected.


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