How to Gain Confidence in Selling Your Services


How to Gain Confidence in Selling Your Services

April 4, 2019

How to Gain Confidence in Selling Your Services


Do you currently feel super sleazy when it comes to selling? I see you over there not wanting to share your offers with the world.

You know you need to get on the phone with people, but then getting on the phone with people and then like freezing because selling has gotten a really bad rap.

We all think of the encyclopedia salesman who came door to door or the car salesman who has given us a really bad rap in movies.

We think of aunt Susie who is even worse trying to push her product to us through Facebook messenger or through text messenger and it's become a bit overwhelming. I'm telling you though, selling is essential if you want to create a profitable brand.

In today's post, I want to share with you how you can gain the confidence to sell your programs and your offers, to the people who need them most

Selling is super important if you want to create a profitable brand and as a branding and business mentor to female entrepreneurs, selling comes up a lot, especially because my audience really wants to create an authentic brand so they don't want to use silly, you know, sleazy sales tactics.

I want to share with you my favorite ways to boost your confidence because that's where it really, really lies. It lies in you knowing from the get-go that you have what they need and you feel really confident sharing that with them.

1. Build a Relationship

At the end of the day, selling comes down to the relationship. Creating truly authentic sales comes from understanding that your audience is human. They are a person and we need to remember that at the end of the day, we are seeing Facebook ads and we are seeing promotions galore and we are seeing popups on youtube or on websites that are all trying to sell us something.

Our audience is dealing with the same exact thing and so we really have to be different and that comes down to building trust with your audience.

There are so many different ways that you can build trust with your audience. My top way is creating high-quality content, (if you need some inspiration for creating content, you can go ahead and watch some of them on my Youtube channel or see the Blog Resources at the bottom of this blog).

Another way of showing up for them is answering questions and inviting them into your world, but at the end of the day, people buy because they trust you.

Selling will become easier when you know more about your audience and they know more about you. Think of it as a friendship. If I am your girlfriend and I am telling you about this brand new product that I tried, you're probably going to go to the website and buy the product because you trust me as your friend.

The same goes for our audience. When we can approach the relationship as if they are our friend, they're more likely to trust us. They are more likely to buy from us. You're literally showing up genuinely online having conversations with people.

It's a lost art that so many entrepreneurs miss, but that is how I have signed every single one of my clients through the power of trust and focusing on the relationship.

2. Believe in Your Offer

If you are creating some sort of program or an offer that doesn't feel true and authentic to you and you don't feel confident and actually delivering that value, it's going to be really hard to sell.

That's why one of the things that I work on in my signature program Roadmap to Freedom is all about creating an offer that feels good to you at that moment.

Focusing on teaching things or guiding or helping people transform their lives based on what you know right now, not where you want to be in 10 years.

If you feel confident in the transformation that you are providing, you are going to want to shout that from the rooftops and that's when those conversations become that much easier.

It becomes less about, let me tell you about all this cool stuff about my program and more about let me tell you about what I offer. “I think this is going to be really valuable for you. This is why I think it's going to support you. What do you think?”

You have more of a take it or leave it approach to selling, which doesn't come off gross, it comes off confident and has your audience feeling like you're not constantly pressuring them.

So again, feeling grounded in your offer and what you provide gives you the confidence to share it with ease.

3. Listen

One of the easiest ways to make a sale is to actually listen to the human on the other end of the phone, the chat box or the zoom call, by listening to someone and truly understanding where they're coming from and where they want to be, you can more successfully position your offer as the solution.

That's ultimately what it is selling is just offering up a solution to the problem. It's offering up the next step. It's removing the pressure have to do this on this day and if you don't do this, all hell's gonna break loose.

I have conversations with mentors who do this and feel disgusting when they get off the phone with people. I want my conversations to be genuine and nothing is more genuine than asking someone where they're at and where they want to be and truly listening to what they have to say and then with full confidence knowing you can support them at the end of the day.

It really comes down to having a strong relationship with your community, feeling super grounded in your offer and listening to what the person on the other end really has to say because when you can do that, you're setting yourself up for major success, not just in your business but also with the clients you work with and the results that they will get.

If you are a coach, a consultant or a mentor and you want to learn my four proven ways to sign your next high level one on one client than I made you a free video training sharing the exact four steps that I used in my business in the very beginning to sign my first four clients and celebrate 15k cash in my business with a list under 100 people.

Real quick before you go, I have to share some exciting news with you. My signature program, Roadmap to Freedom is back and it is better than ever. We have made it more accessible to new and aspiring female entrepreneurs by adjusting the price point of the program because it is my personal goal to help more female entrepreneurs create their dream business so that they can experience true time, financial and location freedom.

At the beginning of my business, I remember what it was like feeling super overwhelmed, not sure exactly where to start, not sure what to work on next that what would lead me to profitability.

So I created a program that would do just that. Roadmap to Freedom is a step-by-step program that walks you through everything that you need to create a profitable brand and make money on your terms.

You can learn more about the program, read amazing case studies and testimonials at

Please share your biggest takeaways from this blog post and how you’re going to implement this information in your own business!

Branding and Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry

P.S. Are we connected on Instagram? No? Well lady what’s happening here we’ve got to fix that. Come hang out with me on my favorite social media platform. Follow for inspiration and send me a DM to know we’re connected.


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