Brandmerry Blog Archives

My 2019 Summer Reads for Life and Business

As an entrepreneur, it’s so important that we focus on our personal development and nothing is easier to consume than a book (or audio) in my opinion. In today’s blog, I’m sharing my must-reads for Summer 2019 and why I’m so excited to implement the tools and inspiration into my life and business.


My 2019 Summer Reads for Life and Business

June 21, 2019

As an entrepreneur, it’s so important that we focus on our personal development and nothing is easier to consume than a book (or audio) in my opinion. In today’s blog, I’m sharing my must-reads for Summer 2019 and why I’m so excited to implement the…

Last year I shared a blog on The Top 7 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read and you loved it. I followed it up with Must-Read Personal and Professional Books for 2019.

I know that books (and audio) are some of the best ways to advance your personal and professional development.

And, as I’ve admitted before, reading is not something that just comes “natural” to me. In fact, I have to create a habit around taking the time to silence my mind and dive into a great read.

What I’ve found over the past three years of running my business is that I gain so much clarity around my next steps and content and resources to share with you when I immerse myself in a book written for personal development.

So, today I’m sharing four of my favorite reads for Summer 2019 (some of which I’ve already read and a few I’m diving into soon) so you can run to your favorite book store and grab a copy.

P.S. If you’re looking for inspiration in your biz and feeling a little lost or uninspired, reading is my secret weapon and always gets my energy and thoughts in alignment to share content.


I gave this book a shout out on Instagram Stories while reading it on the beach in Florida and had to include it in this list. If you’re not already a fan of Jordan, I fully believe you need to follow her. I was inspired by her story while attending the Kajabi Summit in March and started following her on social.

I had no idea she was releasing a book at the time, but when I learned more about her work I wanted to dive in. Her ability to merge personal story with life lessons is amazing and one of my favorite parts about her book.

The tagline for Own Your Everyday is Overcome the Pressure to Prove and Show Up for What You Were Made to Do and it’s such an amazing book for the everyday woman (that’s you and I btw). She talks about our need to be perfect, to have it all figured out and bring such light and grace to the personal development space. Check it out here.


I’ve talked about Rachel’s books before and if you don’t know who she is, I’m afraid you might be living under a rock at this point. Rachel has taken the personal development world by storm and is such an amazing brand to watch and study (hello, I’m a branding nerd).

This is the second book, following Girl, Wash Your Face, and I was so fortunate to receive an advance copy. I highly recommend checking out this book as a summer read, especially if you carry shame in asking for and reaching for your goals. Buy it here.


I’m a little late to the party here, but I’m such a fan of Gabby’s and the way her book The Universe Has Your Back transformed my belief around money and releasing the HOW.

I think one of the best things we can do as business women is to release the past stories we carry that affect where we want to go. If you’ve got big, audacious goals (and I know you do) then it’s time to go the past story work. I’m excited to read Gabby’s book and dive into the 6-step process she presents in the book. Buy it here.


If you’re a friend of mine you know my obsession with Brendon Burchard and the work he is doing in the world. Another amazing speaker I met at the Kajabi Summit and was brought to church by his words.

When I finally dove into High-Performing Habits I felt like he was speaking directly to me. I’ve only felt this way one other time and that was reading Daring Greatly by Brene Brown! This book made me laugh and cry and understand my high-performance habits better than before.

I love Brendon’s work because it’s so deeply rooted in research, so if you’re a nerd like me I highly suggest grabbing this book this Summer. Buy it here.

Do you have a favorite book you’ve read or are excited to dive into this Summer? Let me know in the comments below!

Branding and Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry

P.S. Are we connected on Instagram? No? Well lady what’s happening here we’ve got to fix that. Come hang out with me on my favorite social media platform. Follow for inspiration and send me a DM to know we’re connected.

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Episode 14 | The Hard Stuff with Michelle Knight


The Hard Stuff with Michelle Knight

Free to Be Podcast | Episode 14

The Hard Stuff with Michelle Knight on the Free to Be Podcast including how to deal with grief, goal setting for 2019, top tips for business, top tips for life, perfectionism and lessons learned | Michelle Knight

In today’s episode, I’m sharing The Hard Stuff from 2018. As we prepare for the year ahead it’s important to me that I’m fully transparent with you in the hopes it will help you in feeling seen, heard and understood.

2018 was a very difficult year, but it’s taught me some of the most important lessons that I will carry with me in the year ahead. It is my personal hope that 2019 brings more transparency in branding through the power of storytelling, and I’m starting right here with this episode.

Things I talk about in this episode:

↠ How my year started and the role it played in my business.
↠ Dealing with grief as an entrepreneur, mother, wife and woman.
↠ How my perfectionism challenged me in 2018 with the hiring of team and expanding my brand.
↠ One of the biggest mistakes I made in my business.
↠ My top tips for consistently growing in life and business.
↠ Removing the shame and guilt we feel as women.
↠ The single biggest lesson that keeps smacking me in the face.
↠ My goal for this brand in 2019!


Instagram: @brandmerrycoaching
Facebook: @brandmerrycoaching
Biz Group: Authentic Brand Builders


I kinda secretly hoped you'd say yes! I love you right back lady and I'm so honored you tune in every week for massive inspiration. I've got a favor to ask. Would you be so kind as to leave a review of the podcast on iTunes (if you haven't already)? It means so much to me to read your reviews + it allows more people to get their hands on the amazing interviews and content. Let's spread the love, shall we? REVIEW ON ITUNES

Featured Review of the Week

Authentic. Warm. Real - Review by momofapis

Everything that Michelle does is truly authentic. She has a warm heart and is passionate about helping you to succeed at gaining a life of freedom. Subscribe to this channel now! Find Michelle everywhere she is and follow her! You will cherish the time spent listening to her nuggets of wisdom. {ps. Thank you for being such a committed creator Michelle, you are amazing!}”

Branding and Business Coach

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EPISODE 05 | Living a Conscious and Glowing Life with Martina Fink


Living a Conscious and Glowing Life with Martina Fink

Free to Be Podcast | Episode 05

Living a Conscious and Glowing Life with Martina Fink | Episode 05 The Free To Be Podcast with Michelle Knight

Today's episode is with my dear friend Martina Fink. Martina is the go-to girl for all things Glow. Her mission is to help others by sharing her love of natural beauty products, sustainable living, maintaining a healthy body and mindset and promoting self-love and confidence.

And in today's episode, she does not disappoint. Martina and I recently met this year as mastermind sisters and officially met in person in Paris in September. I freaking love this girl and the deep conversations we can have about life, living a full glowing and free life and how we can leave a lasting impression in this world. She is such a dear friend of mine and I know by the end of this episode you are going to want to be surrounded by her energy as well.

Things we talk about in this episode:

• The importance of following your heart, even when you're receiving push-back from the ones closest to you.

• How to start making small changes in your day to day routine in order to live a more conscious and eco-friendly life.

• How to become aware and conscious of what you truly want and take action to become more aligned in all aspects of your life.

Martina Fink

Martina Fink is the go-to girl for all things Glow. Her mission is to help others by sharing her love of natural beauty products, sustainable living, maintaining a healthy body and mindset and promoting self-love and confidence. She offers a couple of different glow inspired coaching programs, hosts retreats around the world and travels with her clients. Martina is a certified Health Coach by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and thrives on helping others live a more glowing life. She is fluent in German, English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese and travels the world 6 months out of the year.




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Important links mentioned in this episode:

Indie Lee Skin Care

Vitajuwel Water Bottle

Judy Café in Paris

Martina's Retreat in Costa Rica


Instagram: @brandmerrycoaching
Facebook: @brandmerrycoaching
Biz Group: Authentic Brand Builders


I kinda secretly hoped you'd say yes! I love you right back lady and I'm so honored you tune in every week for massive inspiration. I've got a favor to ask. Would you be so kind as to leave a review of the podcast on iTunes (if you haven't already)? It means so much to me to read your reviews + it allows more people to get their hands on the amazing interviews and content. Let's spread the love, shall we? REVIEW ON ITUNES

Podcast Featured Review of the Week

Amazeballs by Wenders83

“I just got done listening to Michelle’s very first podcast! It was everything I expected and more. Michelle is so relatable, honest, and real. And let’s be honest she has an amazing husband that is amazing at supporting her. I’ve been following Michelle for a little while now and I was so excited to hear her podcast was finally launched! Thank you Michelle for your honest look into your relationship and how you and your husband communicate with entrepreneurial living. I am definitely going to use some of your wisdom in my life! Can’t wait to hear your next episode next Tuesday! Get it lady!”

Branding and Business Coach

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EPISODE 02 | 6 Lessons Learned While Building a 6-Figure Business


6 Lessons Learned While Building a 6-Figure Business

Free to Be Podcast | Episode 02

6 Lessons Learned While Building a 6-Figure Business on The Free to Be Podcast with Michelle Knight

Welcome back to The Free To Be Podcast and thank you for all of your amazing support in celebrating the first episode! We're kicking off the second episode with a solo episode from yours truly.

To celebrate my last 2 years in business I'm getting super personal about my own journey and some of the key lessons I've learned along the way. The best part of this episode is that it applies to EVERYONE, whether you have a business or not, these six lessons have not only impacted my business, but also my life.

Entrepreneurship is a fast track in personal development, and it's not all shiny photos in Paris, it's work and dedication, but it's worth every single second. In this episode, I hope to shed some light on the behind the scenes of running a profitable 6-figure business, being a mompreneur and woman.

I can't wait for you to dive in.

Listen on iTunes, Stitcher and Google Podcasts.


To honor Childhood Cancer Awareness Month I'm giving $100 of every purchase of my signature course, Your Brand New Adventure to my favorite non-profit CJ's Journey Foundation. Sign up at

Brand New Adventure:

The ultimate branding course to support you in creating an authentic, captivating and money-making brand. Walk through my signature 7-step process for creating a brand that stands out online and shares your story with ease. The key to a successful and profitable business? Taking the time to build a strong brand that is a true reflection of your story and connects effortlessly with the desires of your ideal client. To sign up and help support CJ's Journey, learn more at

CJ's Journey Foundation:

The CJ's Journey Foundation was formed to celebrate the life of my brother, CJ Aubuchon, after losing his battle with childhood cancer. CJ's Journey is a registered 501©3, volunteer-run organization, providing hope and support to young patients and their families through the fight against Childhood Cancer. To learn more visit

Things we talk about in this episode:

  • My journey from new mom to building my business while working a 9 to 5, what really went into setting a strong foundation and how I scaled from ZERO to 6-figures in one year.

  • The top 6 lessons I've learned throughout my journey that have impacted the way I do business and live my life as a woman.

  • The raw conversation about hustle, how to stay motivated and the #1 characteristic hurting your life and business (this was a big one for me) and how to become self-aware.


Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown 

Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown

Brand New Adventure 

CJ's Journey Foundation 


Michelle Knight is a Branding and Business Coach at, mother, wife, world traveler and storyteller. Michelle has distinguished herself as an entrepreneur through the power of storytelling and its power to unite people, especially women. She has helped transform the businesses lives of female entrepreneurs by supporting them in tapping into their story to create a standout brand and message, ultimately leading them to live a life of freedom. Michelle is living proof that no matter what obstacles life may throw at you, or chapters that may contribute to your story, you have the power to write your own ending.

Instagram: @brandmerrycoaching
Facebook: @brandmerrycoaching
Biz Group: Authentic Brand Builders


I kinda secretly hoped you'd say yes! I love you right back lady and I'm so honored you tune in every week for massive inspiration. I've got a favor to ask. Would you be so kind as to leave a review of the podcast on iTunes (if you haven't already)? It means so much to me to read your reviews + it allows more people to get their hands on the amazing interviews and content. Let's spread the love, shall we? REVIEW ON ITUNES

Branding and Business Coach

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EPISODE 01 | Married to an Entrepreneur with Ben Knight


Married to an Entrepreneur with Ben Knight

Free to Be Podcast | Episode 01

Ep. 1 Married to an Entrepreneur with Ben Knight | The Free to Be Podcast with Michelle Knight of Brandmerry

Welcome to the Free to Be Podcast. I'm so excited to bring you a really personal and exciting first episode with my husband, Ben Knight. With questions submitted by my community Authentic Brand Builders and followers on Instagram, Ben and I are having a candid conversation about our relationship, how we find harmony in our relationship, his role in the business and how we handle those money conversations.

It's a beautiful episode in which you can get a glimpse into our life together, hopefully, learn a little more about how he has supported me as I have grown and continue to grow my business.

Things we talk about in this episode:

→ Our story, how we met and fell in love (seriously, it could be a movie)

→ How we find harmony in our relationship while running a business

→ What Ben really thinks about the time I spend on my business

→ How Ben supports me as I grow my business and his tips for you and your spouse

Important links mentioned in this episode:

Airbnb: Get $40 off your first rental

On the Road by Jack Kerouac


Instagram: @brandmerrycoaching
Facebook: @brandmerrycoaching
Biz Group: Authentic Brand Builders


I kinda secretly hoped you'd say yes! I love you right back lady and I'm so honored you tune in every week for massive inspiration. I've got a favor to ask. Would you be so kind as to leave a review of the podcast on iTunes (if you haven't already)? It means so much to me to read your reviews + it allows more people to get their hands on the amazing interviews and content. Let's spread the love, shall we? REVIEW ON ITUNES

Branding and Business Coach

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