How to Host a Live Training

How to host a free live training to get your message heard and sell your products #webinar #livetraining #youtube

I love webinars! They are such an amazing way to get your message out to your ideal client, offer guidance and connect with so many amazing people. I've been doing webinars since day one in my coaching business, and all though in the beginning no one but my mom was on, I've been able to grow my list and community by continuing to offer content via webinars.

I also have managed to host webinars for completely free (not including Facebook Ad's) by using my existing website platform, free resources to gather opt ins and promoting in groups where my ideal audience hangs out.

To get you started in the wonderful world of online trainings, I've included:

  • How to pick your topic and create your webinar content
  • Video tutorial to set up your free live stream
  • Free checklist and tools to use to prepare for your live stream

How to pick your topic and create your webinar content

  • Survey Your Audience - Come up with a list of 3-5 topics you feel comfortable presenting on, remember to pull from your real life experiences and lessons learned. Now find where your ideal client is hanging out, personally I love Facebook Groups hosted by other experts, as well as my own group. Post a survey and let people vote! Take the topic with the most votes and go with it. This step is so important because it reaffirms that people want the information you are providing.
  • Come Up With Bullets - You will want to use these bullets on your opt in page (more about that in your free checklist), but I love to build my whole webinar around my bullets as well. Your bullets will be used to tell your audience exactly what they will be learning and serve as a layout for your training. List out 3-5 bullets and then spend time drafting copy and lessons for each one.
  • Create Your Slides - Pull from your bullets to create your slides. Every single bullet should be included in your presentation - I prefer to dedicate 1-2 slides for each bullet. Other slides you will want to include:
    • Welcome 
    • What they will learn 
    • Why it's important
    • Where they are now
    • Introduction - who you are and what you do
    • Bullet 1 - 2 slides
    • Bullet 2  - 2 slides
    • Bullet 3 - 2 slides
    • Special offer
    • Q & A (there is a great free resource for this in the download)
  • Write Your Script - This last step is my favorite and takes no time at all, if you follow the steps above. Block off a section of time and go through each of your slides. I like to write out word for word exactly what I want to say about each slide, what questions I want to ask and when and any additional information I want to provide. If nerves get the better of you, you can use this script word for word and not worry about sounding like a robot. I tend to deviate from the script, but it is nice to use as a reference point throughout the training.

Video tutorial to set up your free live stream


FREE checklist and tools to use to prepare for your training

Go out there and get your message heard!


Michelle Knight


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