Tapping into Your Desires & Giving Yourself Permission


In today's blog post, I'm sharing a recent video I did on your desires as a women, mother and business owner.

In a year I watched all my desires come to reality, and then I struggled to admit my new desires out of a fear of appearing selfish. I'm sharing the questions you need to ask yourself to tap into your deepest desires and give yourself permission to …

Last year when starting my business I created a list of desires, that although exciting, seemed a bit out of my reach - but that's the fun part of listing your desires. Over the past 1.5 years I've found myself living the life I desired in January 2016.

  • Leaving my 9 to 5
  • Spending my days with my son
  • Taking multiple trips throughout the year with my family
  • Working from anywhere I choose
  • Building a community of women with a strong purpose and mission
  • Spreading my message

As I've hit this new milestone in my business, I found myself having a hard time thinking about my NEW desires and fear crept in. What would my community think of me? What would my family and friends think of me?

Would me admitting that I wanted to fly first class, because it looks damn comfy, of having an in-home nanny make me seem selfish? In today's video I'm walking you through my own process, PLUS giving you questions to ask yourself in order to connect with and believe your deepest desires.

Key Takeaways From Today's Video:

  • It's not about "just enough", when we reach higher for our desires our needs are instantly met. Are you creating desires around "just enough" and holding yourself back from dreaming big?
  • You don't have to separate your desires between Need vs. Want - it's about giving yourself permission to experience pleasure every single day.
  • Are you holding yourself back because you are afraid of appearing selfish? The reality is it is your RIGHT to life your deepest desires and by doing so you are more capable of spreading good and doing good in the world.
  • Stepping into the energy of your pleasures is the first step in achieving your goals. We limit ourselves by saying we don't "need" something, when deep down it is one of our strongest desires.
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Branding and Business Coach

Michelle Knight is a Branding and Business coach for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to gain visibility and traction to take their business to the next level. She works with her clients to dive deep into their story so they can create a brand and message that positions them as an expert and allows them to create their desired income to free up time in their schedule for what matters most. Learn more >>


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