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The Top 5 Things I'd Do if Starting My Business Again For the Greatest Impact to My Time and Money

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The Top 5 Things I'd Do if Starting My Business Again For the Greatest Impact to My Time and Money


The Top 5 Things I'd Do if Starting My Business Again For the Greatest Impact to my Time and Money | Start a business | Brandmerry

My business has changed so much from when I first started in 2016.

It originally started with my husband and I creating a design business to support female entrepreneurs in the design of their brand and website. I had a background in Public Relations and he had a background in design, so it seemed like an excellent place to start.

However, I realized shortly after that's not what I wanted to do. In August 2016, I rebranded Brandmerry as a coaching and consulting business and knew right away that this was it. Had I known what I know now about determining your niche, I would have started Brandmerry differently at the beginning. 

But, without it, I wouldn’t be able to support my clients the way I go now when it comes to determining their niche and personal story, so here we are and today, I’m sharing 5 of those tips I wish I’d known when starting my business in 2016.

1. STORY WORK: Look inward to discover what you really want to do and do it

If you know anything about me, you know I always want you to start with your story.

Looking at your story will help you discover what you really do and don't want to do in your business. And I'm not talking about posting on social media, and those things that you can later outsource, that need to be done in your business for marketing purposes.

I'm talking about the way you're working with clients - are you working with them in a way you truly enjoy, or do you not like how you're currently working with clients?

Are you offering a package or service that you actually don't like doing?

Are you doing what you actually want to do and something that’s authentic to you or just something you saw online?

Because it's not easy to run an online business, but if you create one that’s in alignment with your story and mission it’s going to be much more enjoyable and successful.

When you’re thinking about your story, think about the bigger purpose and the big picture, or as I like to refer to it the mission.

Identifying the why doesn't always do it for me, but focusing on your life mission and the impact you want to make does. Maybe coaching is the avenue to get you to where you want to be in the big picture. Just be really clear on the type of business you want to create.

Know that it is possible for you and creating strategies and business models that honor who you are as a person.

2. RESEARCH: Know your freaking audience

I didn't think this was important in the beginning. I would tell my coach that I had done the ideal client worksheets when I hadn't and it definitely showed in my marketing.

There was a big a-ha moment for me when I was at home, sick from my 9-5, and I finally sat down and wrote out who my ideal client was. I mean I went DEEP into who they were, what they believed, what mattered more and more.

A week later I signed a client that had been in my community for months. It took a shift in my messaging and true connection for her to make the leap.

There is a reason companies spend so much money on research because successful marketing comes back to truly understanding your audience so clearly, that you can inspire your audience to take action.

It’s important to study your audience.
Pay attention to what they're saying, what they need and want in their life.

The more you understand your ideal client, the more trust you will build with them.

I encourage you to do everything you can to get in their head (in a non-creepy way) because you need to identify what they're struggling with and what they really want. You also need to know their hopes and dreams. I survey my audience at least 3 times a year and love to use free Facebook Groups and tools like Answer The Public to find data, and it makes a big difference.

3. TIME-MANAGEMENT: Be focused and forgiving of your schedule

I really wish I would have known this in the beginning because there were times I was really hard on myself around what I could accomplish with my schedule.

There's not a one size fits all approach to business. That's why it's important to find a mentor and community that understands that. It's also important to look internally and figure out what works for your life. A great way to do this is to perform time audits to see where your time is going and how you can eliminate, outsource or improve your schedule.

You do have to make choices when building a business in order to find the time, but understand it’s not about hustling 24/7. I have a podcast episode all about time management tips here.

But this doesn't give you an excuse to slack off and not do something because you don't feel like it and then say it was because of time.

Time is not an excuse, it’s about how we use it.

So, once you’ve determined that this is what you want to do, then commit to it. Make modifications to your schedule, create times when your business is a priority and then make choices that honor your current season of life.

If you cant’ do a live video every week, find something you can do.

If you’ve got an hour a week for content, then repurposing an existing blog post.

It’s about working smarter not harder!

4. EMAIL LIST: Grow your list from day 1

If you take away one thing, please make it this!

It’s so important to start growing your email list from day one.

It's important for you to have a database of your own because we do not own social media or our Facebook Groups. Having a way to communicate with your audience is important.

You can learn more about list building strategies in a few of my popular blog posts here:

How to Build Your Email List

3 Daily Marketing Actions to Grow Your Business

5 Ninja Skills to Improve Your Email List Building

The first step is creating a lead magnet or gift, creating a form through your email provider and then using marketing strategies to get your free gift in front of the right people.

That first person on your email list could be that first client. My first client came when I had 10 people on my list.

5. 2 P's: Plan and Patience

I’m not going to sugar coat it and tell you how difficult it is to start and scale a business. But, the truth is that it’s a heck of a lot easier when you have a plan in place.

Planning your business for 90-days at a time, as well as for the year as a whole is essential so you can take actionable steps daily.

Without a clear plan and strategic daily steps, you’ll wrap up your year and not know what the heck you even did! For some of my insider secrets on planning, listen to this podcast episode on The Beautiful Climb podcast.

And along with the plan, comes the need to practice patience.

You have to know that this is going to take time. All marketing takes at least 30 days to access the data to see what’s working and what’s not. But, it’s this combination of daily action and patience that is the sweet spot.

If you are putting in the effort and energy and know you are worthy, you will get there. You have to have patience and know that it's your journey. Stay in your lane. Focus on what you're doing. The impact you're having. Patience, patience, patience. 

You can watch the whole video for a more in-depth version of this and several bonus tips below!


Head over to my Facebook Page and be sure to like and comment on the video while you are over there to help more people see this information ↠

Branding and Business Coach | Michelle Knight of Brandmerry 

P.S. Are we connected on Instagram? No? Well lady what’s happening here we’ve got to fix that. Come hang out with me on my favorite social media platform. Follow for inspiration and send me a DM to know we’re connected.




Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.

I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.

I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.

This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.

Blog_Michelle Knight_Branding and Business Coach.png


I was just a new mom with an ambitious dream to start my own business. That dream turned into a multiple 6-figure business and the ability to travel full time. Now, I teach women how to brand and market their authentic voice online and take bold action to create a life better than their dreams.




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3 Key Pieces to Create Your Personal Brand


3 Kay Pieces to Create Your Personal Brand

I'm excited to announce a new feature on the Brandmerry Blog and through my Youtube channel, which if you aren't subscribed you can do so here:

I'll be sharing live videos that I record in my private community Authentic Brand Builders, on my FB business page or as a guest expert, that are not to be missed!

I'm excited to share with you a live stream I did recently talking about the 3 Key Pieces to Create Your Personal Brand.

In today's video I'm sharing:

▶ ▶ Why creating a brand is more effective than just creating a business and how a switch in focus allows you to stand out to your ideal client in the crowded online world.

▶ ▶ My #1 approach to branding that allows you to give your brand a voice and my top strategy for finding it, so you can build an irresistible and bold brand that positions you as an expert in your industry from the get go.

▶ ▶The #1 thing missing from online branding and how you can identify it and start incorporating it into every aspect of your brand so you not only grab the attention of your audience, but keep it long enough to build a deep, meaningful connection with them.

Don't miss out exclusive FB lives and the opportunity to ask your juicy questions, by joining my community The Authentic Brand Building Entrepreneur (or ABB for short ;))

Branding and Business Coach

Branding and Business Coach

Michelle Knight is a Branding and Business coach for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to gain visibility and traction to take their business to the next level. She works with her clients to dive deep into their story so they can create a brand and message that positions them as an expert and allows them to create their desired income to free up time in their schedule for what matters most. Learn more >>

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Effectively Plan for 2017 (and how not to lose momentum)

I absolutely love this time of year. The time between Christmas and New Years when you just dream of the year ahead. I spend so much time during this week every year just reflecting on the past year and planning for the future.

Effectively plan out your 2017. my three step process to achieve your goals and keep your momentum going all year long.

Are you planning this week? It's such an amazing time of possibility! However, I've seen time and time again people who create goals and within 90, sometimes 30 days, stop making progress. I don't want that for you and I promise you there is another way. 

Last year I set out with a pretty big goal - launch my business, leave my 9 to 5 and make enough money on my own to support my family. It was scary, but it was a dream I couldn't ignore. I followed the exact process I'm laying out for you below to make it all my reality.

I truly believe anything you desire can become your reality. That is why I follow this approach when mapping out my year ahead. I've said time and time again it helps you keep momentum in your life throughout the whole year, but it also allows you to achieve your wildest dreams! If you start with the end goal in site, and don't worry about the how, you get into a place of anything is possible, and with that mindset it truly is.

learn how to effectively plan your goals for the year and actually achieve them

Here is the exact process I use to map out my year ahead. It totally worked for me in 2016 and I know it will work for you and I this coming year!

Three step process:

  1. Write out your goals for the year: Dream big baby! Don't hold back here, the main goal is to just write down every major goal you have for 2017. Don't worry about the how, just imagine yourself this time next year and imagine how different your life is. What were the major accomplishments that led to that moment?

  2. Break your goals down quarterly: Take those big goals and break them down into seasons. If your goal is to make $100K in your business then how much do you need to make every quarter? If you want to have 12 clients, how many feels good to take on each quarter? Again we aren't worrying about the how, just breaking it down into smaller, more manageable goals. 

  3. Step by step plan: This is my favorite part of the puzzle because this is where my creativity and strategy comes into play. Take your quarterly goals and write out exactly how you plan to get there. Again, we aren't really focusing on the how, although we are definietely implementing a little more strategy at this phase. The main focus is laying out the steps you need to take so you have a clear picture of the action steps needed to reach your desires. If you want to make $100K in your business and that comes out to $25K a quarter, then you know you need to take on 5 clients at $5k, or hold a group program with 50 people at $500 a piece. The strategies and techniques are endless, you just have to come up with the methods used to reach your end goal.

This technique seriously works for anything, it doesn't have to be money related! If you want to create a Facebook community, like my group Authentic Brand Builders, and you want X number of people in the group for Q1, then what strategies are you going to use to get there? If you want X number of people on your email list by Q2, how many people do you need a day and how are you going to get there?

By working backwards you really are setting yourself up for success from the very beginning - not to mention you have a step by step action plan that keeps you on track and keeps your momentum going for the whole year.

2017 is your year! It's the year that you launch your business, make your first $10K, $30K or $100K, it's the year you leave your 9 to 5 or the year you take that two week trip to Europe - it is your year! Don't hold back when it comes to planning your 2017 and for goodness sake don't get caught in the how from the very beginning, just picture and feel into the end result.

I promise you it is ALL possible, I set out with a goal at the beginning of 2016 to launch my business, leave my 9 to 5 and make more than enough money to support my family and life of freedom, and I'm doing just that. 

Make a plan.

Take action.

Live your life of freedom.


P.S. Ready to Get Sh*t Done in 2017? I'm hosting a goal setting challenge in Authentic Brand Builders, kicking off on Monday, January 2. Get all the details and sign up here:

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The Power of Personal Branding: 7 Tips to Elevate Your Brand with a Professional Photo Shoot

Personal Branding Photography is one of the greatest assets to building an online brand. Learn the 7 tips for a successful photoshoot and my personal branding photography checklist.

Personal Branding Photography is one of the greatest assets to building an online brand. Click to learn the 7 tips for a successful photoshoot and my personal branding photography checklist.

**This content was updated in June 2024

I absolutely adore brand photography.

If I were to credit two key pieces to my business growth, it would be:

  1. Quality Content

  2. Personal, Authentic Brand Photos

In today's market, building a strong personal brand is more important than ever. As an entrepreneur, having a professional image can make a huge impact on how your brand is perceived in the world. You've heard it before, but the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" holds true when it comes to personal branding. The images you use to market your brand are key in your non-verbal communication strategy. That's why a professional photo shoot can be a game-changer in elevating your brand.

By investing in a professional photo shoot, you not only get high-quality images but also the opportunity to convey your personality and unique selling points in an effective non-verbal way.

Remember, your photos will be the authentic representation of your brand and are just so fun to have on hand when creating your social media posts, updating your website, running ads, creating YouTube thumbnails and so much more.

On a deeper level, brand photos allow you to capture the attention of your audience through the emotions you evoke in your photos. More on emotional branding here.

To make sure you feel prepared for your brand photoshoot, I’ve included my top seven tips to have a successful personal branding photoshoot and start standing out online:

  1. Your Brand Board

  2. Clear on Your Top Descriptive Words

  3. Inspiration Ready

  4. Choosing Your Photographer

  5. Choosing Your Location

  6. Exude Confidence

  7. Candid, Baby!

Importance of Personal Branding

In the market today, personal branding is what sets you apart from the competition. There are a lot of people doing and offering something similar to what you do, so how does someone know you're the brand to work with? Your personal brand.

It allows you to establish your unique identity, build trust with your audience, lead with authenticity, and create a lasting impression. Personal branding goes beyond your products or services; it is about showcasing who you are as a person and what you stand for. Your personal brand defines your values, expertise, and overall image in the eyes of your target audience.

A well-crafted personal brand can help you attract the right opportunities, build a loyal following, and position yourself as an authority in your industry. It allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level and build meaningful relationships that can lead to long-term success. Want to go deeper into building your personal brand and revenue-generating business? Watch my free, on-demand class here.

7 Tips to Prepare for Your Personal Brand Photo Shoot

Prefer to watch your content?

Check out this recent YouTube video I made talking about my recent professional photo shoot and my top tips.

Alright, sticking around? On to the steps.

1. Have a Completed Brand Board Before Your Photo Shoot

You don't want to go into your photoshoot without having a clear picture of your brand, otherwise, you will just be paying more money for another shoot in a few months.

I ALWAYS have my clients create an inspiration board for their brand. I highly recommend you start with Pinterest or Google to collect photos that mirror your branding and pull from those to create a finalized inspiration board. This isn’t just about your brand colors and fonts, it’s a representation of your overall brand feel. A photographer is going to love to have this on hand when choosing locations, outfits, poses, and more.

2. Be Clear on Your Top Descriptive Words for Your Brand

For me, my top three emotional words for my brand are adventure, freedom, and warmth.

Think of your top three words, which should be evident in your inspiration board. You want those top three words to come through in everything you do during your shoot.

Pick outfits that exude your three words, select a location that matches your three words, outfits that match your three words, a photographer that…well you get the idea.

Here are a few photos from my shoots, over the years, so you can see for yourself how my three words come to life in my personal brand photo shoot.

3. Pull Inspiration Online for Your Photo Shoot

You will tell by the end of this blog that I absolutely love Pinterest, it is such a great resource for business owners. I recommend you turn to Pinterest again for inspiration for your personal branding photography.

Use the search bar to find photos that match your brand and style - choose photos that resonate with you personally and that you think will trigger an emotion in your audience.

Some of my favorite search words are family photos, branded photoshoots, lifestyle sessions, or free people (this is clearly very specific to my brand).

Below is a copy of the board I used before my first shoot. You will send this to your photographer before the shoot so they can get an idea of exactly what you are looking for and can come prepared. Trust me they will love you!

4. Research Your Professional Personal Brand Photographer

It is so important to find a photographer that matches your style. This is why I recommend you find your photographer AFTER becoming clear on the pieces above.

When choosing a photographer, look at their past work and make sure their style of photography, lighting, and editing matches your brand.

Be sure to ask for reviews and perhaps a consultation, if you've never worked with them before. Remember this is an investment so do your homework and make sure you feel they will be able to capture and bring your vision to life.

I like to look for documentary photographers because their style matches my vibe, however, you might choose to search for brand photographers, or family photographers in your area.

5. Pick a Location That Resonates With You and Your Clients

Your inspiration for this will come from your brand board, but be sure to choose a location that is totally in line with your style.

For me, my first location was a no-brainer, as I'm constantly drawn to the woods and nothing says adventure and freedom, like very large trees! Over the years, as my brand has evolved, I’ve chosen various locations, but have always had an outdoor element because it’s a big part of my brand.

I want my photos to match my lifestyle photos on social media, so think about where you enjoy spending your time and where your personal photos might be from. For me, this is outside so it just makes sense.

Research different locations near you, or perhaps you make a small trip to a city nearby - your photographer should also be able to suggest some locations.

A few of my favorites include a coffee shop, home office, garden, high-rise building, Airbnb rental, park, woods, the beach, or your favorite store (if I was a food blogger I would 100% be in Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods).

6. Get In the Zone - Exude Brand Confidence in Photos

Mentally prepare yourself for the photoshoot. You need to be as relaxed as possible, and taking some time leading up to the shoot is so essential.

Have your wardrobe, makeup, and hair details flushed out at least a week before the shoot is scheduled to take place.

Now spend the next week focusing on your inner beauty and brand coming out. You want to seem natural, approachable, confident, and on top of your sh*t with your photos, so spend some time getting into that mindset, so your photos showcase your most authentic self.

One thing I always do is include my family in the experience. We always make it a fun event, kicking it off with music to get in the vibe. My most recent shoot, which took place in our new home, started with coffee, music, and conversations. There’s something really magical about letting your guard down and just being your most authentic self.

7. Brand Photo Shoot Tip: Candid Photos Are the Way to Go

Yes, I encourage you to go into your shoot with poses in mind, but true masterpieces come from candid moments. This is why all of the above is so important.

Having all of your pieces in place before the shoot, allows you to JUST HAVE FUN with it.

I highly recommend bringing a spouse, your kids, or friends to make you laugh and chat with you during the shoot. The results from these moments are priceless. My husband always makes me laugh and some of my favorite photos have been a result of those moments.


All in all, you want your brand photo shoot to be an authentic representation of you. All the groundwork you will complete prior to the shoot will allow you to show up and have fun.

After your photo shoot is complete, I recommend updating your photos on your website, adding your photos to Canva so you can easily incorporate them into your weekly graphics, updating promotional materials, and more.

If you want to learn some additional tricks and tips on executing your brand photo shoot, check out this video here.

Branding and Business Coach

P.S. In the process of launching or refreshing your brand? My 45-minute on-demand class will take the mystery out of the entire process by giving you my signature Build a Better Brand Method. This class has helped thousands of entrepreneurs gain brand clarity and confidence and you can sign up to watch it here.



Meet Michelle

Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.

I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.

I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.

This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.

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