3 Mindset Shifts That Helped Me Double My Monthly Revenue to $20k
3 Mindset Shifts That Helped Me Double My Monthly Revenue to $20k
I know why you’re here.
You’re ready for the next level. Maybe for you, that means doubling your yearly revenue, monthly revenue, hitting your first $5k cash or $10k cash month, or just signing your first client.
No matter what brought you here today, I’m thankful you are here.
Over the past three months, I’ve doubled my monthly cash revenue from consistent $10,000 cash months to $20,000 cash months. And while strategy played a major role, what’s interesting is that many of my strategies from $10k to $20k months didn’t change, but my belief in them coming to fruition did.
And now that I’ve seen, thanks to numbers, that this is consistent for my business and growing, I want to share them with you in today’s blog.
I am a strategist. I am somebody who loves numbers, analytics and data. I LOVE goals.
So mindset, even from the very beginning of my business has been something that I've had to actively work on.
For some people, the belief of the mindset behind their work comes very naturally to them, and they have to apply more energy and attention towards the strategy.
Some people like myself, the strategy comes very, very natural, and they have to put a lot of attention to the mindset.
Since the beginning of my business, I have focused my energy on my mindset, and my resiliency, because at the end of the day, you're the CEO, you're the boss, you make so many of the decisions, if you are an entrepreneur and a solopreneur, that your mindset has to be in peak performance.
Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t have times where I’m like, “I need a freaking break!” Or have times where I’m like, “Oh my gosh, this isn’t working.”
But, as entrepreneurs we have to treat our bodies, our minds and our souls like an athlete would. We have to make our mindset and our health a top priority, because in the beginning if we aren’t there to show up and put in the work the business will not grow.
So no matter what area you feel is your strength, be it mindset or strategy, you have to work on finding a harmony between the two and giving whichever needs the most attention at the moment the attention it needs to move your business forward.
When it comes to elevating your business there’s a beautiful blend of strategy paying off and mindset being at its peak.
It’s important that before I share these shifts with you, the same shifts that supported me in doubling my monthly revenue, you understand I’ve been putting in the strategy for about seven months prior.
I put in the work to set up a funnel that brings in new leads and sales daily.
I made the decision to cut back on my 1:1 coaching and rather offer limited-time ways to work 1:1 with me.
I also show up every single week, multiple times a week, including live videos for my audience.
These practices allowed me to sit at $10k cash months for over two years and the foundations were working, but when I was ready to step into the next level that’s where the mindset kicked in.
You can’t skip the strategy.
You have to have it.
That’s why having a strong business foundation is so important. You need a solid brand to move forward with fancy marketing and all the perks that come with that.
If you’re looking to build a solid brand foundation you can learn more in my upcoming masterclass at brandmerry.com/brandmasterclass.
Ok, now that I have all my disclaimers out of the way and you understand that mindset shifts aren’t the only thing that is going to carry you we can jump into it!!
In 2017, I discovered this technique for the first time. My coach at the time introduced me to the concept of visualization as a way of goal setting.
I’d always had a vision board, seriously since I was a kid, but this was about truly stepping into the moment when you achieve your goal.
In 2017, I decided that when I hit my goal of signing 10 new 1:1 clients I would fly to NYC to see my favorite Broadway show. I’d visualize every single day what it would feel like to walk the streets of NYC, after watching the show, wearing my black maxi and singing the songs. I saw it so vividly.
And do you know what happened? That exact scenario played out. After hitting my goal, I invested in a mastermind and our first retreat was in NYC.
Since then I’ve used this technique multiple times but recently took it up a notch by investing early.
In May of 2020, I knew I was ready to double my monthly revenue. While shopping I picked up a bottle of champagne, more expensive than I would typically buy and I put it in the fridge with a post-it that said, “$20k Cash Month!”
Every day I focused on the celebration of my goal, I couldn’t avoid it because it was where my food was! I took just a second to feel into the celebration I would have to open the bottle and share it with my family.
At the end of May, I opened that bottle.
I had the strategy in place, I knew what I was going to do, but now I fully trusted that it was going to happen and I knew just how I’d celebrate my goal coming to fruition.
There’s something powerful about focusing on the celebration as you’re working towards your goal. It puts the excitement and joy into your daily actions and raises your vibration.
It doesn’t have to be a trip to another country to be a celebration, it can be as simple as a bottle of wine or dinner at your favorite restaurant ordering whatever you want, but one of the most fun things you can do is choose how you’ll celebrate before you even start taking action.
ACTION STEP: Decide how you’ll celebrate your next goal. If you can invest in it now do that, but at the very least tell everyone about it, print a visual out and put it on your desk and every day imagine the celebration.
The second thing that I did, and I've been doing this since January, is I have been working so hard on my money story.
If you're not familiar with a money story, it is a combination of the beliefs that you carry around money. What you believe having money means, what you believe not having money means, what you believe debt means, what you believe working hard for something means.
It’s rooted in how you viewed money or were told about money as a child and young adult.
The beautiful thing about having a money story is that you can always uncover, own, release and write a new one, which is something I’m constantly working on.
I've been doing work on my money story since 2016 when I started my business, but this year I knew to reach a new bracket I needed to dig deeper.
As someone who is a minimalist and travels full-time in a 36-foot travel trailer, I don’t NEED a lot. I’ve often associated having money with having stuff, a belief I’ve carried since I was young, so the idea of having more stuff is not a driver for me to have more money.
But the truth is, I absolutely am worthy of having a lot of money and having more money will allow me to not only grow my business but provide more to my team and community.
Going through this story work allowed me to better understand what having more money would mean. For my personal circumstance it included:
Increasing my salary
Increasing the pay to my team and bringing on full-time team members. This is a ripple effect because it impacts their ability to create wealth as well.
Adding more team members which allow us to help more women in my community.
Adding more coaches under Brandmerry to support my clients at a higher level.
Invest more money on ads so I can attract more people to my brand and therefore help more women.
Adding new programs and offering more support.
Donating more money to the causes that are important to me.
There's a ton of things that I realized, going to this next bracket could allow me to do. Without doing the work on my money story I wouldn’t have realized this and therefore wouldn’t have the same energy and drive to make more money.
You’re probably holding on to a lot of beliefs that are keeping you from making the money you desire. Doing the work on your money story is important and as an entrepreneur, I believe a non-negotiable.
So really think about what you're telling yourself around money, what you're telling yourself about what you're worthy of having and think of what you're going to do with that money when you have it, give it a purpose.
ACTION STEP: Begin to work on your Money Story. If you’ve never done this work before, I recommend The Universe Has Your Back by Gabby Bernstein.
Giving a purpose to your money is important. Understanding what you’ll do with your money is a great way to do just that.
However, it’s important that your money and more specifically your products aren’t tied to your worthiness.
You are worthy just as you are, at this very moment.
Hitting the next income bracket doesn’t improve your worth.
Selling your products doesn’t improve your worth.
In order to receive you need to understand that you are worthy of doing just that, every damn day.
However, when you’re an entrepreneur and specifically a solopreneur it is very easy to think, “This isn’t working, this isn’t selling, it must be me!”
When in reality it’s probably just your messaging, but that’s another conversation to have.
Rather than tying your worthiness to your ability to make money, I encourage you to tie your products, services and money to your purpose.
I made this shift deeply in 2020, this year has been the year that my mission became, even more, my driving force and as a result, the products, videos, posts, coaching, etc that I’ve put out into the world are in alignment with that mission.
It has attracted the best people.
It has brought in the money and will continue to do so.
It has felt dang good.
And tying the products to my mission over my worthiness allowed me to continue to work at a higher vibration and never once question my ability to make the money I desire.
If you’re at a place where you want to create an evergreen funnel and get paid while you shower or sleep, or you’re wanting to raise your prices it can be scary because we’re making it about us, make it about your purpose and watch the excitement explode.
ACTION STEP: Catch yourself; become aware of how you’re valuing yourself. How important is your time? How important is your energy? Are your products and services tied to your purpose, or still closely connected to your personal success?
At the end of the day, after all the work is complete and the strategies are implemented you have to so deeply trust yourself and that you can do this.
It’s like what we said about the celebration at the beginning if you’re focusing on reaching your goal, then in your mind, you’re already there. You’re fully committed and invested in that happening.
Because as a business owner you have to put yourself out there, but once you've put the stuff out there, once you’re showing up, once the plan is in motion, so much of the success comes down to your belief and your energy.
This work needs to be done and there are so many ways to get started including purchasing Gabby Bernstein’s book, The Universe Has Your Back.
In fact, I have an entire list of books that I recommend when it comes to mindset and belief.
These shifts, especially with your money story, can be as simple as getting a book and when you’re ready there are so many programs out there to support you, including Roadmap to Freedom which includes an R2F Mindset Coach with monthly calls and trainings on money mindset and worthiness.
If you’re looking for more support around your strategy, so you can feel confident moving forward with your goals you can learn more about working privately with me through my Brand Intensives. Learn more and apply for a limited spot at brandmerry.com/intensive.
P.S. Here are some additional blogs related to mindset that can support you on your journey.
3 Mindset Shifts for Entrepreneurs. READ IT HERE
Mindset Techniques for Female Entrepreneurs (Create a Mindset Routine). READ IT HERE
Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.