What to Include In the About Me Section of Your Website
Besides the actual services you offer, the About Me or My Story section of your website is hands down the most important piece! Why? Because it's all about the trust factor when selling your services or products and if people don't know a single thing about you, besides your title, they definitely aren't going to trust you.
The key to an About Me that resonates with your audience is sharing your story (are you surprised I said that? probably not!). While, in the past, it might have been a place to copy and paste your professional bio, it is now an excellent platform to share your why, purpose and the nitty-gritty about your story.
Sharing these details relies on 3 core pieces:
1) Identify the three major transitions or chapters of your life and how they relate to your audience. You can watch a full video walkthrough of How to Uncover Your Story go here >>
2) Identify the connector between your transitions (this is the theme or general message of your About Me). This is what strings it all together and makes it read as a full story as opposed to a few highlights.
3) Identify how you want your audience to feel when reading your About Me (this helps you determine where to add emphasis, relatability and even what photos and visuals to choose).
The general setup of your About Me page should clearly explain, to your audience, where you were, where you are now and how you got here.
It is designed to inspire your audience, relate to them on a very personal level, and show your vulnerability so you can begin to build trust.
I have a complete guide to walk you step-by-step through the process. Grab yours here >>
Length of Your About Me Page
Your About Page should be at minimum 2-3 paragraphs touching on the important points, but I have found a longer, more descriptive story really captivates your audience. If you want to check out an example go here >> READ MY STORY
Aside from sharing your story, there are additional key pieces to include to make sure that your About Me turns into a high-converting page on your website:
About Me Page Tip #1:
This is the first opportunity to grab your audience with a beautiful tagline and photo, that clearly represents your personal journey. This first exchange matters and can set the tone for your entire story. Share something that captivates your audience and show your face, please! This makes it more personal and pictures of people are proven to convert higher than a stock photo.
About Me Page Tip #2:
Sharing more personal photos allows you to give a visual representation of your journey and to have your audience connect more deeply with what you’re sharing. The more personal, authentic photos allow your audience to step into your story fully. This is one spot on your website where the photos don't necessarily have to be professional because a more personal and raw photo does better in building a connection.
About Me Page Tip #3:
As I mentioned earlier, it is important to highlight the parts of your story that are VERY important and you want your audience to remember. This is where bold, italicized or different color fonts can help.
What could you share that would have them clicking for more? Always just assume your audience is spending 15 seconds on your webpage (cause that is the average) and many of them are skimming. You want to tell them a great preview and draw them in with highlighted pieces of your content.
About Me Page Tip #4
An excellent place to add your hook, you know the thing you do, the “elevator pitch” for your business, is near the end of your About Me Page. If you follow the structure of storytelling and paint a picture of where you were, your transitions, and finally where you are now, you set yourself for an amazing opportunity to share your business. I cover this entire framework inside my free download here >>
About Me Page Tip #5
Your About Me is an excellent resource to transition people directly to your services or products. Add a simple banner or button to the bottom of your story giving them the next steps. If they have read this far they are most likely an excellent candidate to purchase your service or product. Here is an example of mine
About Me Page Tip #6
Don't overlook the amazing opportunity to get people on your list. Remember, you've been sharing your truth and if they are still reading at this point, they probably already trust you at some level or at the very least want to learn more.
Not only will you be growing your list with highly targeted ideal customers, but it’s also someone who is already familiar with your story - major win!
Did you love the information in this blog post?
If so I’ve got a free gift for you all about writing your About Me Page. Click to get your hands on 3 Simple Steps to a Client-Converting About Me Page.
Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.