Brandmerry Blog Archives
Authentic Email Marketing and Why It's Crucial to a Successful Brand and Business
In case you haven't gotten the memo I'm really into authenticity. I've seen first hand how being authentic and vulnerable with your community can result in big pay days for your business.
In fact, it is authentic marketing that allowed me to sign four high-priced clients at $3,000 a piece with a list less than 100 people!
That's why in today's web series I'm sharing:
Four Steps to Show Your Authentic Voice in Email Marketing
I'm spilling the beans on my four techniques to make sure your true authentic voice comes through in your emails and how to start building that trust factor with your prospective clients.
I also wrote a bonus blog post all about my favorite email marketing provider and how to get started - check it out below.
Michelle Knight is a Branding and Business coach for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to gain visibility and traction to take their business to the next level. She works with her clients to dive deep into their story so they can create a brand and message that positions them as an expert and allows them to create their desired income to free up time in their schedule for what matters most. Learn more >>
The Top Three Reasons I Love Converkit
I've tested out a ton of email marketing platforms, because I love to do my research!
When I stumbled upon Convertkit, I really loved the option of having my landing pages and email marketing in one place. I want simple and easy for my business with the option to customize if necessary and that is exactly what I've found in Convertkit.
I wanted to provide some of my favorite ways to use Convertkit and how to get started right away in building your list and sharing your vulnerability through email.
If you haven't already be sure to watch my web series episode all about sharing your authentic voice through email marketing. Click here >>
Disclaimer: I absolutely love Convertkit and use it as my own email provider to grow my list, but the links within this post are affiliate links.
Ok, on to my favorite tools.
1) Landing Pages & Forms
Convertkit includes opt in pages which can easily be connected to you funnel. They offer four options for landing pages, which have been designed for very simple, straightforward use in gathering email addresses for your list. My favorite by far is the Sliding landing page. They also offer simple form options that can be embedded on your website to promote an offer or email newsletter. Since joining Convertkit, I've learned to customize the form option and host my opt ins on Squarespace and still get all the benefits Convertkit offers through their analytics (more to come on how I do this).
2) Tagging capabilities
One of my absolute favorite features of Convertkit is their tagging capabilities. When someone signs up for an offer, completes a sequence or clicks on a link you have the option to assign them a tag. There are two major benefits of tagging your list of subscribers. The first is your ability to make sure you aren't promoting the same thing (i.e. a training or offer) to people who have already signed up. The second, and maybe my favorite, is you can segment certain groups based on their activity. For instance, if you are promoting a new program and want to send a follow up email to clicked your link to learn more you can do so with tagging!
3) Priority Email for Gmail
This is something I struggled with a lot with other providers and that was the fact that my emails always ended up in the promotions folder on Gmail. I want people to see my emails so finding a provider that had my emails showing up in the main folder was huge. Convertkit designs there emails to be super simple, as if you were just sending a friend a casual email. This allows your message to show up in the main folder for Gmail. Recently, they added additional templates that add a little more pizzaz to your emails, but still end up in the main folder - Win Win!
Convertkit offers a ton of options for building your list, nurturing your list and converting prospects into paying clients. If you are looking for an email provider I encourage you to check out Convertkit.
Michelle Knight is a Branding and Business coach for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to gain visibility and traction to take their business to the next level. She works with her clients to dive deep into their story so they can create a brand and message that positions them as an expert and allows them to create their desired income to free up time in their schedule for what matters most. Learn more >>
Best Hashtags for Instagram to Get Your Business Noticed and Increase Engagement
This week I'm sharing a bunch of information about how to organically grow an engaged Instagram following.
In fact I shared this little video in Authentic Brand Builders this week on how to find the top 30 hashtags for your business. Watch the video here >>
I thought, why not give them a great starting point and share my top five go to hashtags for Instagram.
Really quick though, if you aren't currently using hashtags to market yourself on Instagram, YOU ARE MISSING OUT. You are able to use up to 30 hashtags and I highly recommend you use them all. Start with the five below and use the video to find the rest that are in alignment with your brand and business.
This hashtag was started by and is a community made up of travelers, storytellers & creatives inspiring you to explore. Their goal is to unite travelers by allowing them to share the travel experiences that have challenged them, shaped their perspective of the world and given them a better sense of who they are. @passionpassport
Created by Emily Lind, Called To Be Creative was designed to showcase the passions, dreams, & stories of today's creative ladies. @_calledtobecreative
Brandi Walker, of Run Style Run, and her friend Meg started the hashtag as way to unite women in sharing the little things in our lives. It's about not overlooking the little things and finding joy in the moment. @runstylerun
Founded by The Happy Hunters, two LA based bloggers, #thehappynow basically makes me happy every single time I look at it. It's a place to post anything and everything that makes you happy :) @thehappyhunters
I love everything about this hashtag and it's creators Folk Magazine. Just one look at their photos you will see it is totally on brand with If you love the outdoors and your people do to, you will love this tag. @folkmagazine
Started by Glitter Guide, a lifestyle website dedicated to inspiring you to shine bright. The hashtag features pictures of pretty much anything that is well, just pretty. Share the photos that really make you smile @glitterguide
Yep, that's right as of today Brandmerry has their own hashtag! Join us in encouraging women to share their personal story through Instagram. The photos don't have to be fancy or staged, just real. #Brandmerry is about uniting female entrepreneurs to share what makes them authentic. @brandmerrycoaching
Remember hashtags, although often made fun of, are a strategy that is necessary to growing your Instagram and start getting truly engaged followers.
Do you have any favorite hashtags you like to use on Instagram?
Michelle Knight is a Branding and Business coach for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to gain visibility and traction to take their business to the next level. She works with her clients to dive deep into their story so they can create a brand and message that positions them as an expert and allows them to create their desired income to free up time in their schedule for what matters most. Learn more >>
What is Personal Branding and Why is Personal Branding Important?
There's a lot of buzz around personal branding, but what does it really mean and why is personal branding important? Click to learn more about personal branding, plus the 4 pieces needed for a strong personal brand.
What is Branding and
Why is Branding Important
for Female Entrepreneurs?
**The post was updated on October 2019
I absolutely love personal branding, but as much as I LOVE it, it didn't come easy to me early on in my business.
In fact, the very first website I made took almost five months to make and the end result was NOTHING like what I imagined. Sure I had done it myself, but I got so wrapped up in what everyone else was doing and what their brands looked like that I lost myself in the process.
When I became a personal branding coach and consultant female entrepreneurs I knew I wanted to share my discoveries and knowledge around branding with as many women as possible.
Why is Personal Branding Important?
Because when you start thinking about branding as so much more than just aesthetic, you are able to create a truly authentic personal brand that stands out in your industry.
And, yes when I say personal branding, I mean you!
In fact, no matter what you sell online you need to be focused on the person behind the business. It is the personal connection that attracts your dream clients and keeps them engaged.
4 Pieces for your Personal Brand
This 7-minute video will give you a look inside personal branding and the 4 pieces needed for a strong personal brand online.
When you take the time to lay the foundational pieces of your personal brand, you create a brand that is so on-point to who you are and your purpose and clearly connects with your audience.
This is how you create a brand that attracts fans, not just followers.
Leave your biggest takeaway from today’s video below.
P.S. If you’re ready to create a strong personal brand on social media, then be sure to check out my FREE masterclass where I’m sharing my Build a Better Brand Method. You’ll learn the exact framework I teach my clients to create a brand that stands out on social media, attracts their dream clients and creates a revenue-generating business. Sign up here!
How to Write Effective Email Marketing Content with a Small EMAIL List
So you have a small email list or no list at all? What if I told you that you can absolutely celebrate consistent revenue in your business, even with a list under 1,000. It’s all about building relationships and in this blog post I’m sharing 4 of my favorite ways to do just that.
How to Write Effective Email Marketing Content with a Small EMAIL List
**This content was updated in November 2019
Email marketing is important whether you run an online business or a brick and mortar. The reality is every website today needs a website and an online presence. Yet, so many people are relying solely on social media to run their business.
The truth is you (we) don’t own those platforms, if Facebook or Instagram went away tomorrow could you successfully run your business?
Sure, a new platform will pop up, it always does, but how do you plan on telling you’re followers you’ve moved. Email marketing and email lists specifically are a way to stay in contact with your community, no matter what is happening on social media.
When I started my business I began building my online community via lead generation and hosting my own private Facebook group. I learned pretty quickly that even with a small email list I could make sales.
When I officially launched my business in July 2016, the first thing I did was to nurture my existing list, which wasn’t big at all and started building valuable relationships.
This is what helped me get my first paying clients.
I celebrated $15,000 cash with a list under 100 women and had my first $10k month with under 1,000 subscribers.
I’ve continued to implement the same practices as I’ve scaled my business to multiple 6-figures in three years.
Today, I'm sharing the exact 4 steps I used to let my true voice come through so you can implement them in your own business to build valuable relationships with your email subscribers.
1. Discover Your True Voice
Write how you speak, yes it truly is that simple. So many people overlook this or overcomplicate the sh*t out of it because they feel like they should speak a certain way to be taken seriously, that they should mimic what successful people in their industry are doing.
Listen, if you don’t write like you speak people are going to start connecting the dots and realize that you are not authentic and will not trust you. If you like to give a lot of detail and are a storyteller like me, then write that way.
The reality is there are already going to be people who don’t read your whole email and don’t like your style, so don’t even worry about pleasing them. Be yourself and connect with your ideal client.
By doing this, you’ll build trust faster with your true fans, rather than worrying about pleasing everyone and muddying your message.
Two strategies I use are:
Pretend you are writing a letter to your friend
Utilize a speech to text tool. Google Docs has an option called Voice Typing, simply talk about your subject and Google will turn that into written content. This is a great option if you are just starting out or find yourself freezing every time you open your computer to write.
2. Become Clear On Your BRAND Messaging
You need to be speaking to one person when you write your emails, posts, live streams whatever. This person needs to be so clear in your mind that you can pinpoint their pains and pleasures.
Now, I don’t want you to get wrapped up in exactly what your client needs and try to reformat your life and language to meet them, but I do want you to become clear on those pains and pleasures in their life so you can speak to them using your real-life experiences.
There are three things to keep in mind with your messaging:
Your purpose (why are you doing this?)
What you do, who you serve, what they are struggling with and how they benefit from your expertise
Their 3 major pains and 3 major pleasures
Use your three pieces above as a reference point to check in with yourself to see if you are still on track when it comes to your messaging every time you send an email to your subscribers.
If you’re looking for more support with your messaging, Check out this post.
3. Uncover Your Story
It is important to have your brand story laid out from the very beginning, but also be super aware of micro stories that are happening in your day to day. To start think of three major shifts that have happened in your life. For me, it was the loss of my brother to childhood cancer, the birth of my son and my decision to skip college after high school graduation (not in that order).
As you can see these shifts can be both major or subtle, it doesn’t matter, what matters is the impact it had on you and the lessons you learned (i.e. how you grew). Narrow down your three and write each story out, paying attention to details that you might share with your ideal client.
For instance, if I’m writing to my client, who struggles with time, I give them tips for how I manage time, but I also share my personal story of starting a business, working 9 to 5 and raising my son who ultimately led me on this path to entrepreneurship. Bring it back to your story every single time.
Looking for additional tips on Brand Story? Check out this post here.
4. Pull From Real-Life Experiences
There are a few tools I like to use to plan out my content. I love spreadsheets and I’m sorry if you don’t, but I love them and I use them in every area of my business. I create a spreadsheet with columns for each week of the month and columns for the number of emails I send. I use this to plan out my content because it allows me to see from a month’s view exactly what I’ll be sharing with my community.
You can download my free content calendar and learn my top strategies here.
While I’m mapping out my monthly content, I pull from real-life experiences and encourage you to do so as well. I look at every single opportunity in my life to get inspiration from. I take note! I use a few tools to keep track of all of this:
Notepad in my phone (my favorite by far)
I have a physical notepad reserved for ideas and stories I can share
My journal, these often come to me in morning meditations
At the end of the month, I pull from these various places and develop my content for the month ahead. If something really stood out to me and I feel like my community needs to hear it because it is so in alignment with my purpose, message and characteristics of my ideal client, I will rearrange my schedule to fit it in.
My biggest tip for you as you begin to nurture your small email list is to focus on story. It’s true that in the beginning, you don’t have as much to share and that’s ok. Maybe you’re just getting started and don’t have much content, but you do have your story.
Use your story to connect with your audience in a deeper way.
**If you’re interested in learning more about storytelling and branding specifically then I’d love to invite you to check out my new training where I’m sharing The Build a Better Brand Method.
P.S. Are we connected on Instagram? I spending time in my IG Stories these days, sharing behind the scenes of my life and business.
Head there now.
meet michelle
Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.