Brandmerry Blog Archives
How to Run an Online Business as a Digital Nomad
In 2019, we sold our home and began to travel full time in an RV. Today, we split our time in the RV and traveling overseas, with a few scattered months in an apartment. Throughout this entire time, I've been running my own 6-figure business Brandmerry. I've learned a lot about running a business as a digital nomad and today on the blog I'm sharing the details.
One of the reasons that I decided to start my business back in 2016 was that we wanted to travel more. My husband and I had always taken that regular trip every single year. And we took some pretty epic vacations while we were working our typical 9 to 5 jobs, but we wanted more flexibility.
So when I set out to start my business, we thought, hey, we're going to add another trip or two trips a year, extend our trips a little bit longer.
We did not imagine that we would quickly become digital nomads.
So today, I want to share with you some of the lessons that I've learned throughout that journey.
In 2018, our world quickly changed.
We unfortunately lost many people that we loved that year. And my husband and I realized that we wanted to take action and we wanted to take action quickly.
Essentially, we wanted to start traveling full time.
At the time, my husband was working a 9 to 5.
I was already running my business, which had grown to six figures a year.
And we decided that our best avenue at the time was to bring him home from his retail job, sell our home, buy an RV and a truck, because we didn't have that either, and set out to travel across the United States.
We traveled across the United States in an RV from 2019 to 2020. And it was an experience!
If you don't already know, we also have a child. And at the time he was just three years old and we were really learning to navigate not only running a business from the road, but also having my husband home for the first time, it had just been my son and I for so long.
We ended up traveling from 2019 through mid of 2020. You can probably imagine why we stopped traveling in the RV in 2020. And we decided to just settle down for a moment and let some things pass over.
Now, being a digital nomad for us looks different every single year.
We spent two years living in an RV.
Last year and into this year, we have had a home base in our apartment that we rent out while traveling overseas and to different countries.
We actually have been to St. Croix. We've spent a month in Hawaii. At the time of this release, we are coming back from three months in Greece.
What I love about being an entrepreneur and being able to run my business as a digital nomad is the flexibility to do it from anywhere.
And I think in 2020, we realized that not only are entrepreneurs and small business owners able to do that, but a lot of people who work in corporate or 9 to 5 might be able to be more location independent.
Here are some of the top lessons that I have learned on my journey from living in an RV to renting out an apartment and taking small trips to traveling for months at a time to different countries.
Every time someone sends me a DM on Instagram, like, “Oh, I'm thinking about doing this. What do I need to know?” I always begin with your wifi is never guaranteed.
I don't feel like anyone warned me about this when I was setting out to become a full-time RV-er. Wifi is just not always reliable. We have four hotspots and sometimes we have zero service.
We might go to a place that we're like, oh, this is going to be beautiful and scenic and then have zero wifi, zero cell service. It's happened so many times.
I have driven up to gas stations, 20 minutes away just to upload a video.
So I think one of the greatest lessons that I've ever learned is that wifi is essential as a digital nomad, somebody who runs their own business, but it's never guaranteed.
So what do you do about that?
Well, you have to really plan accordingly. I’m already a pretty big planner, have an entire video on planning six months in business right here, but when you're planning as a digital nomad, it is essential, so that you know when you're able to take client calls, when you're able to maybe record a bunch of videos and upload them.
And you want to be really strategic with the locations that you're scouting out during those times.
I work one-on-one with my clients through video consultations. I also do trainings inside of my membership, Brandmerry Academy. And I need a way to do a few of those calls every single month.
When we were getting ready to head to Greece for three months, I would look at our route and make sure that none of the days that I'm planning on having calls are travel days, seriously just never schedule things on a travel day.
Meaning, you're going from one location to another, whether that's by ferry, bus, car, boat, a plane, it doesn't matter. Don't plan on having client calls on a travel day. You can thank me for that one later.
What I do after I’ve blocked out travel days is I’ll look at our schedule, where we're going and the areas, the Airbnbs, the hotels, and gravitate to where the reviews say that there is excellent wifi.
I am a stickler for looking at reviews specifically for wifi. And if there aren't any reviews about the wifi, I will even reach out to the host and ask them and tell them that I require video streaming. So don't be afraid to ask those types of questions.
Then, what I do is I adjust my availability for my clients based on that information.
So for instance, we're gearing up to spend some time in Athens. I know that this particular Airbnb has rave reviews about wifi and we're in a large metropolitan area. So even if I don't have it in the apartment, I can go to Starbucks or a public park where you can often get wifi.
You really want to plan accordingly for your calls and never just assume that everywhere you go will have wifi.
This is also fantastic because it allows you to have bulk work days as well, where you can squeeze all of your client calls into one day or any of your meetings or anything like that, which leads me to the second point.
I love bulk scheduling and structuring my days because it allows me to get more done. I have a harder time being productive and focusing when I've got a 9 to 5 schedule available in front of me.
In fact, I share some productivity tips in this video right here. I found that when I have a more focused, intentional time, I actually get more done. So when we are traveling, obviously we want to experience new cultures and we want to see new things. That is the joy of being a digital nomad.
I have zero desire to sit in my Airbnb or my hotel all day, every day, and not experience the world around me. So I have to be really intentional with the days that I am going to dedicate to work.
And that's why I really love batching and bulk scheduling my content, to bulk scheduling my client calls, even live videos.
If I'm doing live videos, I'll put them all on the same day. So we know that those days, we're not going to go out and wander. I'm going to get a bunch of work done, and then we're good. We don't have to worry about it anymore.
I highly recommend that you start to group your activities together.
If you need to record videos, record a bunch of videos, choose the day that you're going to do that.
If you're going to do podcasts, bulk those together.
If you need to write emails, do those all together.
Client calls, like I mentioned, I always bulk those together when we're traveling so that I don't have to go out and then think about when I have to come back and so on and so forth.
I shared my bulk creation process in my first vlog here where I bulk created 90 days worth of content, which is also something I recommend before your trips.
I also talk about my entire planning process in this video, where I talk about planning 90 days worth of content.
Sometimes you are going to notice that you've got a lot of preparation before you jet set and head off to an awesome destination, but that preparation and maybe intense time is going to allow for a ton of flexibility and movement and exploring when you're in that new location.
My third tip for you is all around communication. It’s incredibly important that you explain to the people that you work with, your clients, your bosses, your coworkers, your team, what's happening, your flexibility, and your availability.
This is going to make a huge difference.
The last thing that you want is to be out doing something freaking awesome, like in a helicopter ride or something like that. And someone's messaging you about something that's not urgent.
We have a tendency to check that stuff.
We have a tendency to want to check back in on our emails and our Gmail and all of that and those moments can take us away from the moment.
Now, I’m not suggesting that you completely ignore your communication platforms, but by having these boundaries in place you’ll find people are more intentional with how they communicate with you.
One of the best things that I've done is set really clear boundaries and expectations with the people in my life. And that goes from my team members who know that I'm going to be out exploring for the next four days.
Unless it's an absolute emergency don't message me.
My clients also understand, because I tell them, that these are my travel days. These are the days that I'm flying. I probably won't get back to you just then.
If I'm in a different time zone, I always let my clients know that I'm in a different time zone. So I might be getting back to them at 3 AM.
I set up those expectations and I really communicate this clearly before I set out and do anything. I always email my clients, including my membership Brandmerry Academy, to let them know I'm going to be traveling.
What's so cool about it is everyone is awesome about it. Everyone's respectful about it because we love when people set clear boundaries, because it lets us know that we can do that in our own lives as well. And it just sets the stage.
So I have never once had someone get mad at me because I'm super clear and upfront ahead of time on what they can expect. You can do this no matter what you're doing. And I highly, highly recommend it.
The other thing that I'll say about communication and boundaries is if you are traveling with your family, let's say in a 36-foot travel trailer across the United States, boundaries and communication are so important.
My family knew my entire schedule for work days.
When did I have calls?
When did I need to record?
When did I need to laser in and focus?
We talked about that every single week so that we could really enjoy our lives and really laser in and focus and grow my business while also being a digital nomad.
It takes a lot of balance because you're going to want to just go out and be on vacation every single day, but the reality is that you are a business owner and you've got to set these boundaries with other people and also yourself.
And that leads me to my next tip.
Not every day is a vacation.
My husband and I will go on a weekend trip to the Dominican, or we went and took my son to Disney. Those are specific vacations, meaning I'm not working while we're there and we're just really enjoying ourselves. We're not trying to juggle both.
But as a digital nomad, there's this misconception that every day is a vacation.
And I believed that for a really long time, when we first started traveling, I wanted to do everything in every new location. My husband and I had to have conversations because he's home with our son supporting him, running our household, essentially, and he’d want to go hiking and I’d agree, but after a while I realized we couldn’t maintain that every single day.
I had to get better at setting boundaries with myself.
That means that having those clear bulk days and a structured schedule will take away the pressure to go out every day because you know you have full days to work and full days to explore.
Another thing I started doing is checking in on my work stuff early in the morning to answer emails, etc and then log off for the rest of the day. This allowed me to be present in the biz, but also enjoy myself fully when we were out exploring.
I also highly recommend working in full vacation time. What I mean by that is even if you are a digital nomad full-time, you can still take time off work. I recommend taking at least one week of “vacation time” every quarter!
I think that's incredibly powerful when you are running your own business.
But if you feel like you can't take an entire week off, just know that you need to choose very deliberate days, where you are stepping out of the office.
When your office is your laptop and your phone, anywhere in the world, you have to set those clear lines and it's really going to help you to experience the cultures and experience life and experience all the reasons that you want to travel in the first place, while also growing a successful and sustainable business.
I really love sharing information about the lifestyle that we live. And like I mentioned, I recorded a vlog on how I prepared my content to travel for three months.
If you want to check that out, you can go ahead and check that out in this video right here.
As I've mentioned, this is our life. And even as we're gearing up for next year, 2022, we will be traveling the majority of the year, 10, 11 months out of the year and the things that I've done in my business and having these systems and these workflows has really supported me in being able to do that.
It took us a while. It might take you a while too.
Maybe you're like I was, and you're watching this video and you're just starting your business and like, "Ooh, I want to do this. Like, what would this be like? What do I need to do?"
What I recommend is just starting to build these systems in your business and really focus on that scalability and that sustainability so that you can step away when you need to, so that you can hire a team member to support you.
And if you’re looking to start your business so you can leave your corporate job and travel, then I invite you to learn more about Roadmap to Freedom, my comprehensive 90-day group program that helps female entrepreneurs make money on their terms.
Learn more at
P.S. Have you tuned in to The Brandmerry podcast? I release new episodes every Thursday on topics around branding and marketing! Check out past episodes and be sure to subscribe at
Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.
Top Marketing Tools for Solopreneurs
When you’re a one-person show you want to make sure you’ve got the best tools working with you to scale your business and expand your reach. That’s why choosing the right marketing tools is so important and in today’s post, I’m sharing my personal favorites.
Today, I want to share with you some of the top tools that we use over here at Brandmerry to improve our marketing. These are tools we're using every single day, as well as ones that we intertwined into our weekly workflow.
If you don't already know, I am a big, big fan of productivity.
I'm a big fan of simplifying and streamlining the process of marketing, and these tools that I'm sharing with you today are lifesavers.
The combination of these tools and weekly workflows save us so much time, when I say my existing workflow not only saved my sanity in business but also resulted in more revenue I’m not exaggerating.
In 2019, I got serious about my systems and the data and results were clear. Now, as part of my membership Brandmerry Academy, I teach entrepreneurs daily how to master their content and marketing workflow as well.
So let’s briefly talk about that process before delivering the tools.
So essentially, over here at Brandmerry, we have a weekly marketing workflow. We've been fine-tuning this strategy for about two and a half years now.
What this means is that every week I'm creating content and every week I'm creating the same amount of content. Unless we're going through a launch or promotion, the content always stays the same.
For us that means a video is getting released, a blog post is going on the blog, social media content is going out there, and every other week we've got podcasts going out to my audience as well. So we always have this very, very clear idea of the things that we're repeating week after week.
This gives us a roadmap, complete with checklists, that make sure my team and I are going through the motions in executing these workflows.
Every week, I and the team know exactly what we need to do in order to get that content out there, and we're repeating this process week after week after week.
I’ll be breaking this entire process down in an upcoming episode, but I wanted to just share this concept with you if you have not initiated a marketing workflow for your business yet.
I’ll be referencing this concept throughout the blog, so now you know!
The very first tool that I want to share with you today is Canva. Now, you probably know about Canva, this is not some revelation of this amazing tool, but I find that a lot of people aren't using Canva to its fullest potential.
We use Canva for just about everything over here, even though I and multiple members of my team, including our marketing manager, have a background in graphic design. We know how to use Adobe, InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator, but we come back to Canva time and time again because it's so accessible.
It's something that we can work on together in a project, we can access it from anywhere that we need, and that makes it really, really awesome as a digital nomad who is working from anywhere that I can get internet access.
We primarily use Canva for our graphic design.
We use it for Pinterest images, for our social media content that you see going out, Insta stories that we have pre-designed.
We’re using it for workbooks that we create for our courses and for our freebies. Really anything that has some sort of a graphic design element to it, we are using Canva for the most part.
Now, you might be familiar with the platform, but where I find people aren’t using it to its greatest potential, and what will ultimately help you with your weekly content workflow, and that’s utilizing the templates.
When you're a solopreneur and you're not hiring a graphic designer, or maybe you don't even have a lot of graphic design background, you can use Canva to create templates to repurpose week after week.
They have designs ready for you that you can customize with your brand colors and your brand fonts, but you can also go in and create your own from scratch. We save these so anytime we need to update something, we just go into that template and update it.
Many of my clients who are getting started on Pinterest, because it's such an amazing platform for entrepreneurs, will create six to seven pin templates that they can just go into week after week, change out the colors, change out the title, and switch out the photo.
So it's only taking them 10 to 15 minutes every week to make sure that they have graphics for their blog.
If you have workbooks that you're updating every week or every quarter for a program, creating a template for that, and then just reusing it over and over again can save you a lot of time as well.
So I highly, highly recommend Canva. They have a free version and then they also have a paid version. We use the paid version because we can save the brand colors and the fonts and have a million different folders and all these different things for organization, which is super nice.
The second tool I want to share with you today is called Ubersuggest. Now, this is one that's a little less known but it's one of our favorites.
If you don't already know, my program Brandmerry Academy teaches entrepreneurs how to market their business without relying on social media. The program puts a really big emphasis on evergreen content through blogging, YouTube, Pinterest, and Google.
All of those platforms rely heavily on keyword research.
Ubersuggest is a great way to do that research, as well as get those secondary keywords that you can use in your blog posts.
With this tool, you can get a good idea of how easy it's going to be to rank for that particular keyword or industry, you can look at competitors who have done something similar for inspiration. It's truly a whole plethora of information that's so important as a content creator.
We use Ubersuggest in a lot of different ways, but one of the things that we love to do is use it as a way to come up with our content strategy for the next 90 days. Every quarter (or slightly before) we type in some important keywords that we know we want to rank for and get some content ideas to put into our content calendar for the next 90 days.
Then we dive a little bit deeper within each one and use the information from Ubersuggest to craft our titles, our headers in the blog posts, what we're going to use on Pinterest and so on.
As with most options, there is a free version with limited searches and then you can also pay for it for a year for unlimited, which is very nice.
Again, as I’m sharing these tools I’m also stressing the importance of being strategic with your content creation. So many entrepreneurs are just creating content because they're like, "Oh, I think this might be nice," but there's data and there's research there on what people are searching for and you want to use that to your benefit.
Ubersuggest is just one of the tools that you could use, but it's one of our favorites over here.
When it comes to email marketing, I have been a fan of Convertkit for a very long time and I still love them so much. I've been using Convertkit since I made the switch from MailChimp back in 2017.
When you are running a business, you need an email marketing platform because you need a way to gather your leads and put them into an email funnel.
You need a way to tag them and segment them.
You want a way to track what they're doing, what they're clicking on.
You want a way to send those weekly broadcasts, whether that's sending your blog post or a video, or just a nice little newsletter.
You want a way to email your community when you are launching and actively selling…
...and Convertkit is one of the best.
They have awesome deliverability which results in a higher than average open rate and click-through rate. One of the reasons is because they've stripped away a lot of the fluffy things that come with email marketing.
So, yeah the emails are pretty basic, although you can add some coding and photos, the less that you have the more it's going to improve your deliverability.
Convertkit is also super intuitive when creating sequences, funnels, and automations. Everything is able to be customized and you can send subscribers, based on interest to different funnels and track behavior for future promotions.
I say it a lot, but every entrepreneur needs an email list and needs an email platform, and Convertkit is one of, if not, the best.
social media scheduling
Speaking of Convertkit and scheduling emails, let's talk about scheduling some social media content. I want to share two tools with you here for Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest (remember when I said I loved it?)
Later is what we use to schedule Instagram and Facebook content. Now, you can schedule natively through Creative Studio on Facebook and we do use that to schedule weekly IGTV videos, as well as upcoming Facebook Lives, but for weekly posts Later is what we prefer.
The reason we love Later as a team is because of their note feature. Oh my gosh, it's like our favorite thing.
You can go into your monthly calendar and you can add notes to your calendar to preplan your content. So we can map out the entire month and say, "All right, this month, this is what we need on each of these days. This is the topic. This is the photo that we're looking for."
It’s really great because then I know what photos I need to plug in there, the team knows what other graphics we need, and we know what copy we need to add in there as well. Then we can add the tasks to ClickUp, which we use to manage tasks as a team.
In addition to the note feature, which we love for planning in advance, just being able to keep all of our photos in a nice organized folder to then schedule wherever it fits is amazing. I can add photos from my phone or desktop so we always have a reserve of photos for social media.
The ability to pre-schedule social media content via Later allows me to spend my time doing other things and not logging in, etc to Instagram and Facebook multiple times a day.
Now, Tailwind is the scheduler we use for Pinterest. They truly are the best of the best when it comes to Pinterest scheduling and as marketers, they give you so many different features that are essential to marketing on Pinterest including awesome analytics, Tailwind communities, and Smart Loops.
I'm not going to do a whole post on Pinterest because it truly is a beast, and there is a very, very strategic way to take on Pinterest.
In fact, it's one of the things that I teach inside of Brandmerry Academy, so join the waitlist if you’re interested in learning more, but know that Pinterest isn't just about pinning your most recent blog posts one time and then crossing your fingers and hoping that someone finds it.
There's a clear strategy, and that requires consistent pinning and creating new, fresh content.
Because of this approach to fresh content you want a way to organize all of that and to pre-schedule it so that you're not going onto Pinterest every day for 10 minutes to put fresh content out there. We don't want to live on these platforms to grow our business otherwise we’ll never be able to serve paying clients, so utilizing these tools will help you get in front of your audience, while also protecting your time and energy.
Tailwind allows you to schedule your pins for an entire month and you can do fresh pins with your new blog posts that are coming out or whatever works for you in your business.
All right, I've got another one for you, and this tool is called VEED.IO.
VEED is an amazing platform to repurpose your video content.
This blog is a great example.
You might have seen this video on Facebook as part of Mondays with Michelle, if you didn’t you can check out what I mean below.
Remember that workflow I was talking about in the beginning? Well, most of our content starts as a video. So we have this video, we upload it, we schedule it as a premiere on Facebook.
We also take this video and we release it on YouTube.
We also take this video and we release it as an IGTV. And for IGTV specifically, we want to adjust the formatting. With VEED you can adjust it so that it's a full vertical or I personally like to have the captions at the bottom and the title at the top, and we're able to do all of that in VEED.
VEED is a really awesome platform because you can upload the video from your computer, or you can pull directly via a link on YouTube. Then you can edit the video, you can crop it if you want to, you can cut out a section if it's not relevant to that specific platform, you can format the size, you can add the title, a transcript, all kinds of cool stuff.
Again, this is the whole idea of marketing and using a workflow, repurposing your content so you're not creating one video and putting it out in one place and hoping that people find it. You're putting it out everywhere that it can be discovered so you can get in front of your ideal customer.
If you go to my Instagram feed at michelleknightco, you'll see my videos that have been edited in VEED.
The next thing that I want to share with you is actually for your transcripts. One of the things that we're doing with my videos is transcribing those videos into blog posts. Again, this is all part of the workflow that I'll share in a later post.
There are a lot of transcript services out there, but we really love They are a little bit more expensive, so it depends on your need, but we really want someone doing it for us because I don't want to spend a bunch of time having to cut out all of my ums and my ahs and we’ve found Rev to be the best.
We upload the video and typically have the transcript back within 24 hours.
We’re then able to edit that transcript and put it on the blog.
There are a lot of alternative options, they even have a cheaper option available if you just want an automated transcript for a video. But that's definitely something that you want to look into when you're creating video content or podcasting and you want to turn that into written content on your blog because it helps your content get discovered by more ideal customers and enhances SEO.
That was a lot of tools, but I hope it helps you understand just how possible it is to invest in a few great tools as a solopreneur so you can optimize your time more efficiently.
I know it's really hard to find the right tools for your business, especially when it comes to marketing. There are a million options out there, so hopefully, this takes some of the mystery out of it, gives you an awesome place to start.
If you missed the other two posts from this series you can read about my top tools for Operations and Productivity here.
If you want to get a headstart on your workflow, I have a free repurposing guide for you. You can go to and snag your free repurposing guide.
And in the next few weeks, we're going to be talking more about content creation and creating your own custom workflows, so make sure you’re checking back weekly on Thursdays for new blogs!
Watch the full video below!
P.S. Have you tuned in to The Beautiful Climb podcast? I release new episodes every other Friday on topics around productivity, motherhood, habits, goals and going after the life of your dreams! Check out past episodes and be sure to subscribe at
Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.
Marketing Secrets: 3 Repurposing Mistakes to Avoid
Repurposing your content is how you reach more people without spending all of your precious time writing emails, blogs, social media posts and more. However, many entrepreneurs make a few big mistakes when repurposing their content, but I’m covering them all in the blog so you don’t make the same. Read the blog now!
Marketing Secrets: 3 Repurposing Mistakes to Avoid
If you don’t already know I’m obsessed with simplified and minimalist marketing strategies.
Starting my business with a newborn, then scaling my business while traveling full time has taught me to streamline my business faster than most.
I learned very quickly that extending the life of my content, through the art of repurposing my content was the secret.
Mix the strategy of repurposing with the strategies I teach inside of Brandmerry Academy, to create more evergreen traffic to your website and you’ve hit the marketing sweet spot.
However, repurposing is a broad term and honestly many entrepreneurs do it wrong or miss out on some key pieces which result in mediocre optimization. Seriously, I want you to get the most impact from your time and energy, so avoiding these mistakes is key.
Read on to learn the 3 repurposing mistakes to avoid.
Content Repurposing Mistake #1: Thinking Too Small
One of the mistakes I see entrepreneurs make when repurposing is thinking too small. They limit themselves to the amount of content they can create from their core content.
In case you’re not familiar with the strategy I teach inside of Brandmerry Academy, all repurposed content comes from a core piece of content (email, blog, video, podcast, etc…) and then is expanded to additional platforms and additional posts.
Once you have this core piece of content, the possibilities are endless.
A single podcast could become:
A new podcast episode
A transcribed blog post
5-6 Pinterest images
A Reel for Instagram
3-5 social media posts for Instagram
3-5 social media posts for Facebook
3-5 tweets on Twitter
...heck, you could even go live about the podcast episode answering questions or record the podcast episode for Youtube.
See? The possibilities are endless if you take the time to map out your strategy.
And, this isn’t just about creating more content, it allows you to spend less time creating content every single week, gives you more opportunities to reach your ideal customer, extends the life of your content (most social media content lasts a few hours, where blogs can last 2+ years) and did I mention it saved you time? Because it definitely does!
Content Repurposing Mistake #2: Not Optimizing For Warm and Cold Audience
One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to content creation is not considering your audience at every single stage of the buying process.
I see entrepreneurs who only think about educating their audience (i.e. at the Problem or Solution Stage) or only creating content for those ready to buy (i.e. the Purchase Stage). When in reality, there is a way to produce content that serves your audience at every single stage.
Stages of the buying process is something I teach inside of Brandmerry Academy and is important when creating content!
Let’s take a video example into consideration.
You create a new live video every week (by the way this could be a blog, podcast, etc...I’m not saying you have to do live video for this to work, but you get the idea).
So, you create a live video every week.
That live video has a pretty specific title, it’s based on what your audience has asked about and leads to your current offer. Maybe it’s something like, “How to Repurpose Your Content for Social Media.”
It’s specific to your audience and what they’ve been asking for and designed for your existing audience, as live video doesn’t typically attract new people! This is most likely for people further along in the buying process as their seeking out solutions and product/ services to solve their problem.
Now you have this video content and you’re transcribing it for your blog, because you’re smart, but the people you want to attract to your blog will come from Google and/ or Pinterest and be a cold audience (i.e. people who don’t know you and your brand just yet).
The key here is to optimize for those at the beginning of the buying process and use Search Engine Optimized keywords and titles to do just that.
After research, you might adjust the title to, “4 Ways to Save Time on Social Media and Plan Your Content for a Full Week!”
It’s more specific and rooted in research.
This is what I want you to remember. Choosing titles for content isn’t based on a feeling, it’s based on research - if you want to be discovered. This is why taking the time to research your content before creating and adjusting your titles for different platforms is important.
It’s one of the reasons I teach advance content creation inside of Brandmerry Academy, so your content doesn’t just sit there, but is actually discovered.
Content Repurposing Mistake #3: Consistency is Lacking
Although it may come as a shock to those of you that know me and my message, I’m not talking about the consistency in content, timing or even your message.
I’m talking about the consistency of your systems!
Your systems are everything and these daily, weekly and monthly habits are the difference between wasting hours and hours in your business and making money.
So, what do I mean by lack of consistency? I mean a lack in workflows!
Once, you’ve decided on your repurposing plan (i.e. your core content and additional platforms you’ll be optimizing) you can create a weekly workflow that can be duplicated week after week.
I feel like I don’t have to tell you how much time and energy this will save in your business!
And the best part, you don’t need a team to master this (although when the time is right, this can save even more energy), but just having this weekly workflow outlined will allow you to do more as a solopreneur.
I suggest using a platform like ClickUp or Asana to create your weekly content workflow and save it as a template.
This includes listing every step of the process from idea generation, writing, editing, formatting, graphics, scheduling and more!
You then can adjust the content topic, titles, and descriptions every week, but have a clear and optimized work flow. This can allow you to create your content for the entire week in a single day!
And as you grow your team, you can assign weekly tasks to members just further optimizing your time and making sure your energy is best spent on content and marketing!
Well, there you have it!
If you’re making any of these mistakes it’s time to adjust your content and repurposing strategy.
It doesn’t have to be overly complicated, but it does need a little strategy behind it, which just so happens to be one of my specialties.
If you’re interested in not only learning more about repurposing your content, but also how to market without relying on social media, then check out Brandmerry Academy.
This monthly marketing membership was created to help entrepreneurs maximize their time and learn the true art of marketing, which isn’t really dependent on social media!
Your marketing can’t wait, it’s required to not only grow your audience, but move your audience through the buying process which, you guessed it, leads to profitability!
Learn more about Brandmerry Academy here and happy repurposing!
P.S. Are we connected on Instagram? No? Well lady what’s happening here we’ve got to fix that. Come hang out with me on my favorite social media platform. Follow for inspiration and send me a DM to know we’re connected.
Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.
3 Myths Busted About Consistent Content Creation
Creating content consistently can be stressful! We get it and chances are you’re buying into these three industry myths around consistency. Let’s set the record straight around consistent content so you can feel confident in showing up for your community!
Consistency is one of my love languages and is one of the fundamentals of a successful business no matter how you create content or where you post that content when promoting your business.
And it’s not just about social media and promotion, but also consistency in your habits.
So today I wanted to bust three myths around consistency to really give you the power back in planning out your day, in planning out your content and feeling good about how you're showing up and building your community.
But, we’ve got to start at the core of it all and that’s the Importance of Consistency in Business.
Consistency in Business
I really believe in the power of consistency to grow your community and ultimately grow your business.
From a community standpoint, consistency is so important because it builds trust. So it's not really about you just pushing out a bunch of content.
It's about you being there.
It's about your brand being there and showing up for your community, delivering value to your community, and ultimately building that trust.
When you're consistently showing up and they're following you on that platform, or they're subscribing to your email list, they know who you are. They really start to get a sense of who you are as a person, who you are as a brand, what you stand for, and ultimately your expertise, which is huge.
This is where the relationship with your brand starts to form and brand affinity can start to happen.
Another element of consistency is the role it plays in messaging. Consistent messaging also builds trust with your audience because you're showing up and you're delivering value and you’re doing it in a way that builds authority.
Your goal is to become an expert in a specific niche, so you’re consistently creating content and resources around that area. And that makes you the expert. It elevates you, it elevates your brand.
But, if your messaging is all over the place and not consistent, then your audience is going to have a hard time understanding what it is you do and how you can support them.
I've been saying the same thing since 2016, my core concepts haven't changed.
Recently, we found my very first YouTube video. I’m not going to lie, it's kind of embarrassing, but what it did was reaffirm the concept of consistent messaging and the impact it can have on a business. I've been saying the same thing about branding, about storytelling, about emotional branding since the beginning.
And that is one of the reasons that I have now been able to get featured on podcasts and in articles and more as an expert on this topic.
You might not know exactly what you're talking about out of the gate, and that's fine. You're going to have to experiment.
But when you really realize what it is you want to own and why people come to you and what differentiates you from others, consistently honoring that and creating messaging and content around that can help you grow your business substantially.
Then there's the other element, and that’s consistency in business overall - this looks like workflows and systems that save you so much time and energy.
I have very clear workflows in my business and I teach these content workflows inside of my programs, including The Consistency Guide.
Every single week, we are repeating the same content strategy over and over and over again. And as I've added team members, it's been really beautiful in being able to outsource different projects in a seamless way.
And while, the teamwork is amazon, the reason I do this is so that I can have consistency on my end so that every week I'm super clear on the fundamental things that I need to do in order to get content out there, to be able to grow my community, to build trust, to make sales.
And then it frees up so much time for me to be creative and focus on creating new things or showing up for my audience, or if you're in any of my coaching programs, you know I'm really active inside of those communities.
These systems give you the time to create, explore and grow your business without constantly feeling bogged down, trying to come up with content ideas and creating new content.
Myth #1: Consistency is Posting Daily
Myth number one about consistency is that you have to post daily.
I had to start with this because I’ve got some beef with this topic. Consistently showing up online does not mean posting every single day.
I did this, we've all done this. Some of you are maybe posting twice a day. If that works for you, go for it. But if it’s a belief that you have, thinking it’s the standard and if you’re not posting daily you aren’t consistent, well that’s just not true.
We need to stop this one please because showing up and posting daily is just more emphasis on growing through social media, which is one of the things that I don't teach.
I teach other avenues like Pinterest, SEO, Google, the things that you guys have heard me talk about all year as a way to grow your community.
And using Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, even maybe Twitter, as ways to just continue to show up for the existing community.
Using these platforms allows you to step back from the hustle of posting daily.
So rather than looking at consistency as posting daily content, start to think about how many times you want to show up each week and honor that.
And I think this is where people get really hung up and where they struggle is, maybe it's really fun and exciting and you do it for two weeks. And you're like, “Yes, yes, yes.”
And then suddenly a week happens and you're like, “Oh my gosh, I can't post this week” or “I'm not feeling inspired.” And then you're like, “Aw, crap. My whole entire consistency plan is out the window.”
It doesn't have to be like that.
Start thinking about more sustainable consistency, not something that you just feel like, “Oh, I have to do this. I have to post every single day.”
That's one of the reasons that I encourage people to really look at platforms that expand their reach and that allow content to live longer, like blogging.
You don't need to blog every single day. You can blog once a week and optimize that blog. Same thing with Pinterest, where the content ultimately lives longer.
People ask me all the time, "Michelle, you're getting all this traffic from Pinterest." I'm getting anywhere between 13,000-20,000 views a month on my blog, about 90% are from Pinterest. People are like, "How many times a week do you blog?"
Once a week, but I'm consistent with my once a week - and that’s what consistency is really about.
Think about what works for you and what is sustainable, because I’m going to bet that posting daily is not sustainable for most of you.
Myth #2: Consistency is Hard or Difficult
The second myth is that consistency is hard or difficult to keep up with.
We shy away from this conversation around consistency because having to consistently create content every single day or weekly feels like it is overly complicated and hard to stay up to date with.
Sometimes they say that you don't plan because you're afraid to fail, right? Many people don’t shoot for consistency because we just don't think that it's attainable for us.
But I promise you that it is.
I promise when you have your systems in place, it 100% is possible for you.
I've worked with enough entrepreneurs, with enough personality types and different backgrounds to say that this method works, and really simplifies your marketing overall.
This method is the art of repurposing.
The idea is that you have a core piece of content and you're repurposing that content through additional means.
You're not creating a bunch of new topics and new things every single day of the week.
Here's an example: I do a Mondays With Michelle video on the three myths of consistency.
This video will then be transcribed.
That transcription will go on my blog.
That blog might have a different title just depending on SEO, but probably not (if you haven’t caught on it’s this blog).
And then that blog gets pushed out to Pinterest where our content lives longer and drives most of the traffic to our website.
The same core piece of content. I didn't come up with something new.
Then, we take that transcript and create three to four social media posts, every single week.
I have a graphic designer that I work with that I absolutely love. And she takes the transcript and creates the graphics. Those graphics then get pushed out over the next week. Sometimes we'll even save some of them and use them down the line.
So again, same video, the same piece of content, a bunch of graphics. And if you don't work with a designer, you just create some templates in Canva and just start to really practice your flow.
In the beginning, it might feel a little shaky.
It might feel a little like you're piecing it together; it always does. You're figuring out what works best for you, but I promise you, when you get into that rhythm, your entire mind will be blown and it just makes your life so much easier.
You can build your repurposing workflow and more with The Consistency Guide.
In addition, it’s very important you understand why you’re showing up with your content and that comes back to understanding and feeling grounded in your purpose.
So many entrepreneurs just create content to create content.
It becomes a dumping ground to put stuff out there.
And yes, of course, in that first year or so, you're experimenting with things. You're wanting to see what people resonate with. Absolutely, there's always experimentation that comes with marketing your business.
But if you don't have a clear purpose, which is both the end goal, the action you want people to take, the product or the service or the offer that you want them to purchase, as well as the overall purpose and mission behind your business, then it’s really hard to show up.
It's really hard to just create consistent content, especially when you're working extra hard in the beginning to grow your audience.
But when you have that purpose, very, very clearly defined in the back of your mind of “What is the overall purpose for my business? What am I working towards? And what is the purpose? What am I ultimately leading people to?”
It makes content creation and consistency so much more effective.
So if you haven't already identified your mission of your business, you definitely want to do that.
And if you don't already have a signature product or service or an offer, that you're leading people to, think about that because that's really going to help you decide what type of content to create.
One of the core pillars of my branding process is your Signature Offer. If you’re just starting out, or don’t feel clear on this end goal, be sure to watch my free class on The Build a Better Brand Method:
Myth #3: Consistency is Hard or Difficult
The third myth is that it has to be new content.
I think you can already pick up on what I'm putting down when it comes to repurposing and therefore you do not need to create new content every single day in your business.
I mean how exhausting.
But, when you’re only focused on building your community with Facebook or Instagram, it can feel like you need to create new stuff all the time and that’s because content on those platforms doesn’t live as long as these evergreen options.
I'm sorry, but if I'm taking all this time and energy to create this video and then it’s gone in 24 hours. No thank you!
It’s one of the reasons I created Brandmerry Academy, because I see too many entrepreneurs struggling to build their audience without spending all their time on social media.
This is why people have trouble with consistency.
This is why people have trouble with content creation because they're like, “Well, shoot, I got to create something new tomorrow because that one's all gone.”
But if you really change your thinking from new content daily to extending the life of your content, you're reusing the same thing over and over again.
And I promise you, your audience does not get tired of it.
Your audience will thank you for posting it again because they probably missed it.
So when you're thinking of creating your content calendar for the year, even just for the month, I want you to break it down to one core topic every week.
What would your life be like if you had one weekly piece of content that you then pushed out and repurposed and manipulated in different ways, and shifted the messaging so that it actually lasted longer?
What would happen?
Would that completely change your life? Because it did mine.
I stopped focusing on creating new stuff every single day for Instagram and really went to this repurposing web. It’s one of the things I teach inside of both The Consistency Guide and Brandmerry Academy.
So it's less about creating a quantity of content and more about the quality of content.
Now that doesn't mean that you post one thing and you're like, fingers crossed, hope it works.
It's about then having these repurposing strategies in place so then you can make sure your content is being seen by your ideal customer.
Remember, people like to consume content in different ways.
They want to be able to read something, watch something, listen to something, consume it very quickly. And the more that we can really show up on multiple platforms and think about ways that you can show up for your audience and be there for them and they can consume your content in the way that's best for them. Again, building trust.
Let’s recap the three myths, shall we?
Number one is posting daily, you don't need to do it. Just be more strategic with your content and the high-quality content that you're putting out there. Consistency doesn't mean daily. It means figuring out how you're going to share your message and consistently sticking to that, honoring yourself, honoring your commitment to your audience.
Number two is that it has to be hard or difficult. It doesn't have to be that way. Repurposing is going to be your best friend. If you guys want my top tips, plus build out your own repurposing web, then get your hands on The Consistency Guide.
And also understanding the purpose, what's the purpose behind the content that you're creating?
And then finally, remove the idea that it has to be brand new content all of the time.
Look at ways to extend the life of your content. Look at ways to repurpose your content, not just in one week, but maybe even recycling content that does well.
These are all ways to consistently show up that don't require you to just create, create, create, write, write, write, write post, post, post, post, graphic, graphic, graphic every single day.
I also wanted to share with you that one of the things that I created this year because I saw a need. So many women were coming to me to say consistency was their main pain point in business, so I created The Consistency Guide.
This 40-page workbook breaks down my entire process into an 8-part framework to help you master consistency in your business. Learn more at
P.S. Want to watch the full training? This video was recorded as part of Mondays With Michelle which airs every Monday at 4 pm CST.
Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.
4-Part Framework for a Simplified Online Business
Looking for a simplified way to build your business? What if I told you it could happen if you focus on one piece at a time over a 4-part system? I’m sharing all the details in today’s blog.
4-Part Framework for a Simplified Online Business
I learned pretty quickly that the mainstream way of starting and growing a business wasn’t going to work for me.
I started my business with a one-month-old and a desire to leave my 9 to 5 within the year. As I grew my business while working full time I started to recognize the complexity of most business strategies. I made modifications as I went to scale my business to 6-figures.
Then, when my family sold everything to travel full time I made even more shifts to simplify my approach.
What I’ve learned along the way is that there is a simpler way to run your business and it comes down to implementing this 4-part framework.
And this framework isn’t just for people who travel, it’s designed for the woman who has a lot on her plate. You’re busy running a household, taking care of family, working your “other” jobs, you’re so ready for a simpler way to build a business.
Think of the framework as building blocks. Each one leads to another, if you skip one you’ll feel lost and overwhelmed, and that’s no way to grow a business.
By stripping away the access, just like in life, we can’t focus on the areas that yield the best results - this framework is all about that!
Look, starting and running an online business can be hard. As we’ve mentioned previously things like a saturated market and imposter syndrome can really hold you back.
But, there’s another piece of the puzzle and that’s all the information online. It can be super easy to consume bits and pieces of information and try to piece it all together, but then you’re left with quite a few holes.
You might find yourself doing all the things, working for hours in your business, but experiencing little to no results.
Or taking in all the hodgepodge of information and questioning yourself and what you should be focused on to see results or your ability to build your business.
And worse, what I like to call SOS or Shiny Object Syndrome. You go down a path and then see something or hear something and think, “Wait let’s do that instead!”
These things are holding you back because not only are you doubting your ability to do it, but you’re also all over the place (said with love)!
The fastest way to grow is to create a path and give it dedication for at least 30 days. Based on your data, numbers, and feedback you can then pivot (you’ll see this when we talk about marketing below).
By having a clear framework to follow and repeat you’re able to simplify the entire process, optimize your time, and see results.
Ok, let’s get into it!
**If you want to watch the full video and details of the 4-part framework you can watch the video below.
Every brand needs to start here. These are the foundational pieces of your brand and business and integral in the overall growth and success.
This level includes identifying your niche, ideal customers, messaging, core offer(s), and the emotional or connection side of your brand.
The great news is this stage doesn’t have to be revisited often, if you put in the work now, but it does require work so people skip it. If you skip it you’ll find yourself constantly spinning your wheels and wondering what’s missing.
This stage should take 4 to 6 weeks to complete. I say this very specific timeline because one of the pitfalls of this level is that so many entrepreneurs never leave it.
They stay here rethinking and reworking all the details until they realized their one year into their business and haven’t made any money. This is why guidance at the foundational level is so important!
Remember, this stage is less about creating your logo, picking your colors, and designing your website, and more about the market research, becoming better at messaging and gaining clarity on your niche and offer.
If you want to scale your business, then the foundational pieces are key.
Once you know who you are, who you want to attract, and what you want to offer, it’s time to build that community.
You have nothing if you don’t have someone to sell too and so many entrepreneurs, especially that first year in business make the mistake of assuming they’ll sell to no one - we all know it doesn’t work like that.
Here’s where you gain clarity on and design the method in which you’ll grow your community - the lead magnet and funnel.
When it comes to the lead magnet you want to create something that solves a problem and is in alignment with your core offer. I see so many entrepreneurs go too wide at this stage in an attempt to grow their community quickly, but then they are left with a large list of random people and no ideal clients (paying clients).
Some common mistakes to avoid at this stage are:
Being too general with your lead magnet/ freebie
Not solving a problem for your audience (no one needs more stuff)
Creating a resource that’s not wanted by your audience.
The goal is to attract and bring in your ideal customer, the one that is the best fit for your paid program.
From there, and during this level, you want to create your onboarding funnel or lead magnet funnel. Think of this as the conversation!
If you were at a party and met someone, who might be interested in your services, what would you want them to know about you, your work, and your offers?
So many entrepreneurs make this crazy complex in the beginning, but it’s really just about making sure every person that joins your community knows who you are and can determine in those first few automated emails if you’re the right fit for them!
At this level, once you have these two pieces in place you begin to move into the goal of daily community growth. That’s why this stage is so important because it gives you the tools you need to do just that.
Continuing with our building blocks we enter into level three. Now, level three is where marketing or client attraction starts to happen in full force.
With the simplified business model, every day you’re focused on three things:
Growing your community
Nurturing your community
Making a sale
So, you never fully move through this level, you are just constantly testing, tweaking, and scaling.
This level can look like utilizing social media, blogging, Pinterest, SEO, Youtube, podcasting and so much more.
Personally, I love evergreen types of content as a way to build my community and nurture my existing one. Evergreen content means content that keeps performing, it doesn’t disappear after a few hours, but rather continues to drive traffic and bring in leads.
In my business, this is blogging + Pinterest, which also gives me a major boost with my SEO. So my leads are coming in from Pinterest and Google Searches mostly.
No matter what you choose, all though I HIGHLY recommend evergreen content, you need traffic. Consistent traffic and leads entering your funnel and into your community is key to growing a business.
It ensures you always have someone to sell too!
The key here is consistently creating content, whatever that means for you. And remember, consistency doesn’t mean posting daily (that’s not simple), it means finding a schedule that works for you at this stage and sticking to it.
If your current approach to level three feels exhausting because you're posting daily on Instagram or engaging for 30-minutes every day in Facebook Groups it’s time to rethink your strategy. Consider one of the evergreen platforms above and the art of repurposing to optimize your time and content strategy.
Remember, this level is going to expand and grow as your business grows!
At this stage, you have people coming into your community and inquiring about your services which is amazing! Now, it’s time to improve your conversions.
Think of it like this; if you have a landing page for your lead magnet and it’s converting at 20% would you choose to scrap the entire thing and start over or make some small adjustments and improve the conversion to 50%?
Hopefully, you picked adjustments because it’s the simpler and less time-consuming approach. Well, sales are the same.
You have to start somewhere and so many entrepreneurs start worrying about how they are going to sell, the conversation or script, etc.. rather than focusing their energy on Levels 1-3.
You need these levels to get people on the phone with you or in your DM’s and then you can fine-tune it from there.
Authentic selling looks like improving your sales conversations, your client onboarding and client retention - because we all know it’s easier and cheaper to keep an existing client than to find a new one.
I hope you’ve picked up on the theme here, it’s not about doing more or working harder it’s about making smarter decisions.
I witness so many entrepreneurs get too ahead of themselves. They're worried about the sales call and how they’ll do before they even have someone interested in chatting.
They’re obsessed with their website and making it perfect, but don’t have a marketing strategy to then drive traffic to the website.
The reality is driving traffic to a lead magnet landing page, in the beginning, is a better use of your time!
As you’re thinking of your own business and some of the holes that might have been exposed while working through this framework, I want to invite you to check out Roadmap to Freedom.
This exact 4-part framework is what makes up my signature group program designed to support you in making money on your terms and create a life of abundant experiences and impact.
Learn more at
Watch the full video training + some insider tips below.
Hey there, I'm Michelle Knight and I an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I now travel full-time while running my business from the road.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation and more.