Understanding Cycle Syncing as an Entrepreneur: A Guide to Empowering Your Well-being and Productivity


As entrepreneurs and content creators, we often find ourselves juggling a lot of roles and responsibilities, both in our professional lives and personal lives. The demands can be overwhelming, making it challenging to maintain consistent energy and productivity. 

In 2021, I discovered that my menstrual cycle was the key to unlocking a more harmonious and balanced approach to life and work.

Since embracing a practice of not only monitoring my cycle but also syncing my schedule to my cycle, my approach to productivity and business has improved drastically. 

Inside Episode 93 of The Brandmerry Podcast, I invited Kelly and Tiffany, from Beautiful One Midwifery, to explain the concept of cycle syncing and how understanding your body's natural rhythms can empower your overall well-being and productivity.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • What cycle syncing is and why it matters when planning out your schedule, launches, content creation, and more.

  • The phases of your cycle, and what is needed at each to create more harmony within your body, personal and professional lives.

  • Where to get started, and small actionable steps you can take today to not only improve your cycle but also your overall productivity in a more aligned way.

For the full content, and all the insider tips, listen to Episode 93 now.

What is Cycle Syncing and Why Does it Matter as an Entrepreneur?

Cycle syncing is the practice of aligning your daily activities, exercise routines, and dietary choices with the different phases of your menstrual cycle. It involves recognizing the hormonal shifts that occur throughout your cycle and tailoring your lifestyle accordingly. 

By embracing cycle syncing, you can tap into your body's natural rhythms, enhance your energy levels, and optimize your overall health and productivity.

As an entrepreneur, you can imagine why this is essential, as our laundry list of things to accomplish in and outside of our work can be rather long. By understanding how to cycle sync your business, you’ll be able to better plan and adjust your schedule to your personal needs.

Yes, there is a better time to create content and this is the key!

The Four Phases of Your Cycle and How to Create More Harmony

Menstrual Phase: Honoring Rest and Nourishment

This menstrual phase marks the beginning of your cycle. 

During this time, your body is shedding the uterine lining, which can lead to lower energy levels and a need for rest.

Embrace warming and nutrient-dense foods to support your body's recovery, and engage in gentle movement and self-care practices. 

Listening to your body and allowing yourself to slow down can set the tone for a balanced cycle. This might not be the best time to create content or try to navigate a launch since it’s more of time to go inward.

Follicular Phase: Embracing Creativity and Momentum

As you move into the follicular phase, estrogen levels begin to rise, bringing with them a surge of creative energy and motivation. 

This is an excellent time to engage in high-intensity exercises, challenge yourself with new tasks, and harness your mental clarity. As you can imagine, this is a great time to record podcasts, and videos, and write content!

Incorporating fermented foods, greens, and magnesium-rich choices can aid in hormonal balance and support your overall well-being.

Ovulatory Phase: Seizing Peak Creativity and Vitality

Ovulation is a pivotal phase in your cycle, characterized by heightened energy, confidence, and creativity. 

This is the time to engage in challenging workouts, embark on new ventures, and embrace social interactions. To support hormonal balance, prioritize protein intake, engage in detoxifying practices, and nourish your body with vibrant foods that enhance your vitality.

Again, you’re in your second week of high energy and creativity, so utilizing this period for launching, and general creation can be beneficial as an entrepreneur.

Luteal Phase: Prioritizing Self-Care and Reflection

The luteal phase occurs after ovulation and involves a rise in progesterone levels. During this time, your body prepares for menstruation, which can lead to shifts in mood and energy. 

Focus on moderate exercise, prioritize sleep hygiene, and include fiber-rich foods to support gut health. This phase provides an opportunity for introspection, self-care, and nourishing activities that align with your body's needs.

Taking the First Steps: Cycle Syncing for Beginners

Tip #1: Embracing Awareness and Self-Care

Regardless of where you are in your life journey, developing a daily rhythm of checking in with your body and mind is a crucial starting point. 

Tune into your emotions, physical sensations, and energy levels. Consider using tracking apps to log your experiences and gather information about your cycle. 

This awareness lays the foundation for understanding your body's unique patterns.

Tip #2: Finding Your Baseline and Identifying Patterns

Over time, you'll begin to recognize your own cycle patterns and preferences. Embrace the process of discovering what feels best for your body during different phases. 

Pay attention to food cravings, energy fluctuations, and mood changes. 

This information will serve as your guide to aligning your activities, exercise, and self-care practices with your cycle's natural rhythm. A great way to track this information is via a cycle-tracking app.

Tip #3: Creating a Supportive Cycle-Synced Lifestyle

As you become more attuned to your cycle, you can start incorporating cycle-synced practices into your lifestyle. 

Experiment with adjusting your exercise intensity, choosing foods that nourish your body at different phases, and allowing yourself grace and rest when needed. 

Plan your work tasks, social engagements, and creative projects based on your cycle to maximize productivity and well-being.


Embracing cycle syncing offers a powerful way to honor your body's natural rhythm, boost your well-being, and optimize your productivity as an entrepreneur. 

By aligning your lifestyle choices with each phase of your cycle, you can harness the unique strengths and energy levels that come with them. 

As an entrepreneur and content creator, integrating cycle syncing practices can empower you to show up authentically, achieve balance, and thrive in both your professional and personal endeavors. 

Be sure to grab Kelly and Tiffany’s free resource, “Cycle Syncing Roadmap” here.

Connect with Kelly and Tiffany online:

Tune in now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube Podcasts to hear the full episode and all the tips.


P.S. Ready to build a revenue-generating brand? One that not only stands out online but also makes it easier than ever to create high-value content? Tune in to my free brand class and learn my Build a Better Brand Method. Watch now at brandmerry.com/class.










Hey there, I’m Michelle Knight!

I’m an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.

I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.

I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I travel the world (sometimes in an RV) while running my business.

This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation, productivity, and more.

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