How to Authentically Sell Online: Tips and Strategies from a Brand Strategist and Coach
As an entrepreneur for over eight years, I have come to understand first-hand the challenges and also amazing successes that come with selling authentically online.
When I first started my business, I remember feeling so ICK with myself when I would try to sell online. Something about it felt robotic, inauthentic, and insensitive. It wasn’t out of intention it was simply because I hadn’t made the connection to what selling my services truly was.
Turns out selling is a BIG part of running any business so I quickly began to adjust the way I sold and marketed online because I knew it was necessary and if it didn’t feel good to me, I knew I wouldn’t do it. Now, I get to support my clients and community members in finding their authentic voice when it comes to selling their services.
Today, I’m excited to share some of my top discoveries and tips with you because I know this is a main concern and struggle for a lot of authentic brand builders.
Inside today’s episode of the Authentic Brand Builders podcast, we’ll dive into:
Two selling trends that need to disappear because of their push strategy.
Two of my favorite selling strategies that focus on pulling your audience in and making them feel seen, heard, and understood.
The simple mindset shift I made that resulted in more consistent, feel-good sales as an online business owner.
**I’ve included the main points below, but I encourage you to dive into the full episode via audio or video!
For the full content, and all the insider tips, listen to Episode 118 now.
OUT: Stop Cold DMing as a Sales Strategy
My friend, the days of cold DMing and aggressive sales tactics are out, but apparently, not everyone has gotten the memo. It is doing zero service to you and your business to spend your time sending a complete stranger on the internet a sales pitch, or a message with the intent to sell quickly.
Instead, the focus should be on building genuine relationships with your audience by offering value through stellar content and engaging storytelling. When you create a relationship, then and only then do I feel it’s acceptable to send someone a DM with the intent to sell.
Let them get to know you first! All the time you spent sending out cold DM’s you could have been creating a valuable piece of content on YouTube or pitched yourself as a guest on a podcast - both of which will pay off more in the end.
IN: Benefit-Driven Selling Strategies
People want to know why they should invest in something, and how that directly applies to them. One of the best ways to authentically sell online is to truly understand your audience and then communicate that you hear them, see them, and understand them through your messaging.
This is why I’m such a big fan of market research and actively engaging with your audience - it just makes you a better marketer.
By not only painting a picture of what’s possible for your audience but also showing them through client stories and social proof you’ll build a deeper level of trust which is key to selling online.
If you’re gearing up to promote your products or services, focus your content on showcasing the amazing benefits of your offer and let the “sale” naturally flow as the next step.
OUT: Fear-Based Marketing Strategies
Fear-based marketing is now, thank goodness, losing its effectiveness when it comes to selling online.
Shifting the focus from instilling fear in consumers to highlighting the benefits and desired outcomes of your products can lead to more authentic and sustainable sales. This idea of scaring someone into taking action often attracts a less-than-desirable client. Because they are acting out of a place of fear and not inspiration, I’ve found that they are less likely to do the work, make the payments, and get the results.
Instead when we lead with empathy, compassion, and a focus on solutions, you can create a positive buying experience for your customers which of course leads to a larger customer lifetime value for the business.
In the episode, I also dive into the outdated strategy of pushing for the sale on calls and via conversations. Tune in to the full episode for all the details.
IN: The Power of Storytelling in Selling
My secret weapon for selling authentically online? Utilizing the power of storytelling in the selling process.
By weaving storytelling into my marketing strategy, I have found that storytelling engages the audience and creates a deeper connection with potential customers. Sharing personal experiences, client testimonials, and hypothetical stories has been instrumental in authentically selling my products and services.
I also think it makes the pitch of your product or service 100x easier to make. When you lead with a story, you’re pulling your audience in naturally. They are captivated by what you’re saying and more likely to stick with you until the actual pitch which naturally flows as the story concludes.
In my course, Storytelling Made Simple, I teach an entire lesson on using storytelling to authentically sell online.
The Ultimate Selling Hack: Prioritizing Marketing Strategy
One of the main discoveries in my entrepreneurial journey has been the realization that effective selling is not just about that one pivotal moment of pitching your product or service. It's about the entire marketing strategy leading up to that moment.
By prioritizing value, nurturing relationships, and providing solutions through your marketing efforts, you are selling your products and services.
Realizing this takes the pressure off of making the “official” ask or pitch. Knowing that every piece of content is part of the selling process helps you more authentically and strategically show up online.
By embracing authenticity, storytelling, and empathy in your selling approach, you will be able to connect with your audience on a deeper level and drive revenue in your business.
Selling online doesn’t have to be complicated, and in fact, true authentic selling comes down to mastering your marketing strategy as a whole. When you master your marketing, sending that email about your products or services, a sale, or a limited-time offer doesn’t feel so stressful.
Remember, selling authentically is not just about making a sale; it's about building long-lasting relationships and creating a positive impact through your business.
If you’re ready to take the next step and master one of my favorite ways to authentically sell online, then check out Storytelling Made Simple here.
Tune in now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube Podcasts to hear the full episode and all the tips.
P.S. Ready to build a revenue-generating brand? One that not only stands out online but also makes it easier than ever to create high-value content? Tune in to my free brand class and learn my Build a Better Brand Method. Watch now at
Hey there, I’m Michelle Knight!
I’m an online branding and marketing consultant for female entrepreneurs.
I believe in the power of storytelling and using that superpower to brand and market yourself online...oh and to set yourself free.
I'm obsessed with living a life of freedom, so much so, that my family and I travel the world (sometimes in an RV) while running my business.
This blog serves as a home base for all things branding, marketing, content creation, productivity, and more.